WoW: Shadowlands Is Probably Real

It’s still Niche though.

Yet it is fake because Tinkerer does not thematically fit in with death. That is suppose to be the new class right? Death knight fit with wotlk. Monk fit with panderens. Demon hunter fit with legion.

Then there is the biggest hurdle of all. China. For those who dont know. China have recently banned all works and medium that display ghost or talk about ghost and the afterlife of any sort in media. Not real religion that currently exist.

And we know blizz would not want to lose out on such a large playerbase. An expansion dealing with deathdeas ghosy heroes will not make it. Unless wow china Harmony Gold the crap out of “Shadowland” so that for the U.S its rhe place of death but China its the land with no rising sun or something.


Doesn’t have to, but it still does as they’re supposedly like Ghost Busters.

Then they’ll replace them with giant pieces of bread or Forsaken with all their skin. If anything, they’ll also remove the ethereal effect. Bam, fixed.

If the leak is true then i’m sure Blizzard will come up with a better title than Shadowlands. Sounds like something a patch would be called. I remember a leak where the next expansion after Legion was called Tides of Vengeance. But it was BFA and ToV became the name of a patch.

I don’t think that’s a problem unless the theme of the expansion is the Light being bad and the Void being good, then yeah it’s going to look like a huge ripoff, even if it was planned long before Shadowbringers was even announced.

But from what little I understand of the lore, the Shadowlands are anything but a world ruined by the Light: it’s the realm of the dead.

I realize we don’t know if any of this is legit etc etc but I really would love to see something like this. It sounds so creative and fun :smiley:

Speaking of ghosts, there’s something that works with this Shadowlands speculation that no one’s really been bringing up, and its the unique quest-ish line you can do for the little ghost girl Uuna you rescue on Argus and can eventually help her spiritually.

(spoilers for those who haven’t done it yet, but honestly its probably really hard without reading about the steps on wowhead anyway. A lot of this stuff isn’t obvious.)

For example, theres a part in the chain where you take her to see the Naaru in Shat, but she thinks its too bright and runs away. After that, you take her to a shimmering lake in Ashenvale and she says she can see better and its not too bright. This syncs perfectly with Elunes signifigant presence in at least one, possibly two of the zones.

Late in the story, void tendrils come and grab her while you are walking together. You talk to a spirit healer about her and the healer explains to you (I’m paraphrasing) that the girl died in a place where both planes of reality were very close together.

The big takeaway here of course is that the VOID was involved in such a way that it was able to interact with both sides as well, which also syncs up amazingly.

You are able to get to the Shadowlands to save her by going to the Emerald dragonshrine in dragonblight, and clicking a crystal in the skull of a dragon there. In that plane living people are like spirits and can’t really interact like we can in the regular world.

An encounter begins where a bunch of legit freaky monsters try and edge toward the girl from a bunch of black trees, after you put a campfire down, if I remember right. You can’t attack them like regular monsters, all you can do is knock them back a bit by running into them with your body. Eventually things get hectic enough where speed boosts are needed and you’re just doing doughnuts around the poor girl to keep her safe, then finally it works out and the day is saved.

Here’s a link to the guide about it

This reminds me a lot of how at the end of MoP at the end of Wrathions quest chain, he showed us a vision of green boulders hitting Azeroth, clearly foreshadowing Legion–though WoD happened next.

So if we do see some iteration of the Shadowlands conceptually then there’s already ingame precedence for the major pieces moving into position, which is pretty huge.

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You know the type of players who look down on others because they think they know the ‘lore’ better than most?
It’s hard to have a real debate with them because they have no problem with putting other people down over it.


Id bet lich king or dragin isles is next. Void is too much old god like which has already worn out its welcome.

…and I had tea with Bigfoot this morning.


But the Dragon Isles are Void related in the lore and are also apart of this expansion leak.

Yes. There’s two continents. Dragon Isles AND Shadowlands.

The map is more likely to be real than the details that go with it. Think about it. This a lot of information to leak about an expansion that’s most likely in preproduction or pre-alpha. We will hear about the next expansion at Blizzcon, but it will likely be basic things as with Legion.

Also Tinkerer (stupid name imo) as the hero class for a death related expansion doesn’t make sense thematically. A death related class would make more sense.

Wrath of the Lich King (Death) = Death Knights

Legion (Demons) = Demon Hunter

Mists of Pandaria (Asian and martial arts) = Monk

While I think we’ll eventually get Tinkers I don’t think it’ll be during a mixture of Death and void themed expansion. Another class that deals with undeath, death or the void would make the most sense.

Dark Rangers: Allow more races to access, currently there are four races that can take up this role in lore. Forsaken, Human, Night Elf and Blood Elf. Although a troll Dark Ranger would be BA AF as well, not to mention, Dwarven.

Necromancer: This one would most likely allow almost any race, but it’s dangerously close to Unholy Death Knight or Demonology Warlock. It would be cool though.

I’m trying to think of a void Hero Class… Maybe combine it with Dark Rangers and Shadow hunters?

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Your “evidence” as to why he doesn’t know what he’s talking about is completely emotional and lacking of supportive examples.

“He doesn’t care about it as much as me, so he’s wrong!”

This bias against streamers/YouTubers is getting tiring.

I do not care about someone that isn’t special to me called Asmongold, but if everything this employee says is true, I wouldn’t be mad.

You know how easy is to fake things.

You know how easy it is to fool people?

Magicians have done it for years.

There is a reason why UfO researchers and paranormal investigators haven’t proven the existence of aliens or ghost

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Just wanna pop in and say I hope the leak is true and I agree Asmongold is a complete clownshoe.


Because he is the expert of fake Blizzard credentials? I mean, it’s not like people can easily counterfeit credentials on the internet, or anything.

What is his proof of authenticity?

If they had anything worth showing they would’ve shown it.

Reality is either whatever they have planned next is not ready or they don’t have anything new until blizzcon.

If they have any brains they’d make sure not to screw up another presentation like they did with Diablo Immortal but since they’re already expecting people to roll into their convention with an invasive ticketing application I’m not giving them any points for smart thinking.

I’m calling BS on this leak. Everyone who thinks it is true is forgetting one major thing. The Void and by extension the Old Gods feed off of life and life energies. Souls are neither.

Why do you think they are so afraid of Sylvanas and the Undead. They cannot corrupt nor feed off of them.

The Shadowlands could in no way sustain the Old Gods in any form.

Unless we are talking about one of Blizzard’s massive retcons again. In that case I would throw in my towel for good.

My guess. This is speculation masquerading as a leak. And just because someone says they have credentials, doesn’t mean they will. If you are a Blizzard employee are you going to possibly sacrifice your job and your future in the industry to leak this sort of thing.

Not to mention how many times have we seen leaks where everyone was so sure it was true, that turned out to be total and complete bs. We’ve seen maps like this pop up before with the leaks. None of what I have seen would indicate that this is anything other than every other leak we have seen since 2004.

Yeah, I am calling it now. This isn’t real.

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Dear god, I hope they aren’t still deciding on the theme for next expansion three months before the Blizzcon where they’ll probably announce said expansion, and a year out from release.

Though, I suppose that timeline would explain a LOT about the quality of BfA, so maybe they are.

Pyro is a moron. Pyro once took a picture of a disney villain (hades) and tried to use it as proof that Argus was some kind of death Titan. Pyro doesnt understand anything. Pyro makes up crap to get views. Pyro is a moron.