WoW: Shadowlands Is Probably Real

Well id imagine if im following my previous logic they have a good amount of work poured into each and can borrow from each one to fit into what will become the main body. I mean BFA has had a lot of trouble so i’d want to play it safe and try and get some idea of what the communities feeling without showing weakness. As it stands noone takes these leaks seriously so they have perfect plausible deniability

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etc etc

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What? I’m a content creator… lol

Until there’s official confirmation from blizzard?

Nope, it’s just a “Leak” for attention and clicks.

I have a zero belief policy on any leaks.

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So? Your argument as to why he’s wrong is still very weak.

The map from oblivion.

You don’t know anything until it’s proven.

WTF does that even mean? lol

Id be excited for shadlowlands if its true. But Ima try not to be emotionally invested. Id be glad if Slyvanas lives snd we side with Hellya. That would make kvaldir on horde more of a thing in addition to sea giants from unshackled and gilblins.

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I am confused. Didn’t you ask him to show how he has often been wrong and now you are attacking him for showing how he has been wrong in the past?

I mean, we won’t see the expansion until 2020, and we won’t have any official information until Blizzcon later this year. I’d advice everyone be patience since the new expansion is probably very early in development.

Uuuuuuugh, I really hope this one is fake. Honestly, I really do not like a lot of the features of it.

Stuff like Hakkar being Bwonsamdi’s boss? Dude, We whooped Hakkar’s butt in Vanilla and then watched as a troll almost absorbed his essence in Cata before basically saving Hakkar. Hakkar, in my eyes, is a jobber of a Loa and for him to suddenly and abruptly be superior to Bwonsamdi is absolutely insulting to me on the same level as Illidan, bare handed, catching Turalyon’s sword while exhausted. Make a freaking new, unknown, character instead! If Hakkar is abruptly superior to Bwonsamdi that will just leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Apparently in the books Hakkar is serious business but as a player I see him as nothing more than a chump at this point. In ZG the first time, yeah he was a serious threat 60 levels ago. In Cata, we had to save his butt. Now, if this leak were to turn out true, he is suddenly better than freaking Bwonsamdi of all Loa?!?! Hakkar couldn’t best Jani on his best day let alone Bwonsamdi.

Then there is Ny’alotha which looks absolutely puny on that map even though its suppose to be a massive, sprawling, city at the Black Empire’s prime.

Yet the map makes it feel like its roughly the same size as Suramar if not smaller. This place deserves to be at least half a zone if not a whole zone of sprawling capacity considering how its been depicted and built up over so long! And why on earth is it in the Shadow Lands of all things?! How on earth did it even get there?!

Then going to the systems side of things, essences for the new progressions system? Really? The quickly implemented Heart system of 8.2 is the new progression system? Like… What? Essences are nice in tandem with the Azerite Armor but I can not imagine Essences being an entire expansion progression system on their own and, to be frank, honestly… I am getting burnt out on these throw away systems each expansion instead of implementing permanent character advancement systems! Its beyond overdue for a Talent Tree Overhaul again!

The only story aspect I partially like about this alleged leak is that we find out what the deal with Sylvanas and Helya was in Legion, but even then it just comes off as a “Get out of Jail Free Card” to someone who has been an absolute monster this expansion. Seriously tired of seeing this happen, things like how Grom was handled at the end of WoD where suddenly everyone just forgives and forgets and everyone is on good terms suddenly.

Kill off characters! Seriously, its far better than this “Their actions were missunderstood! They were saving us all when they burned down the orphanage and we just didn’t know it! All is forgiven” trope. My boy Garrosh didn’t get a pass, who I would argue had a far better narrative than Sylvanas has had in BfA, neither should Sylvanas and I would argue she is far worse than he was.

And lets talk about Helya… Suddenly, after being beaten, she is now a beautiful good guy?! Really? Why? How?! If anyone deserves a “She was actually doing the right thing all along and we messed things up/missunderstood what she was doing!” it would be her, not Sylvanas. Leave her the way she is and write a story about how WE messed up because we blindly followed Odyn and judged a book by its cover. She does not need to be “purified” or “redeemed” and “beautified” to have the kind of story suggested. Argh, its sooooo played out!

I won’t comment on Dragon Lands because not much is given, but the Shadowlands themselves… ugh.

Everything about the “story” and the “systems” in this leak really frustrate and annoy the heck out of me as a long time player and I pray that this is fake. I pray that Pyro got trolled, hard, and that this leak is 100% fake. I really can not, from what little is shown, get into this idea as an expansion if the leaks are true in any capacity. They would really have to up sell me on this one, as a player, if this were legit… Because going entirely off the leaks, I am very uninterested :confused:

The legitimate only positive from this leak for me is Tinkers and even then the Tinker’s pitched in this leak do not sound nearly as good as what the player base have pitched for the past several years. Heck, Razak Ironsides in Island Expeditions feels like a better Tinker than how the “leak” depicts them.

I really do not want this leak to be the real deal… Nothing about it gets me excited… BFA got me excited, I am a sucker for faction conflict, but Shadowlands?

I really hope this fake and that Pyro is either lying out his teeth or has been absolutely, 100%, trolled by the two “confirmations” he has allegedly gotten.

Ugh, the worst part is that we are still 3 months out from Blizzcon. Honestly, now it can’t get here soon enough for me just to put the whole “leaks” thing to rest.

I normally really enjoy reading “leaks” because they are either absurd or the possibilities some of them suggest really get me thinking and excited for the unknown. This leak, however, just honestly sucks in my opinion.


Don’t you trash talk my trash loa. :frowning:

And Nazjatar should be the sprawling heart of Azshara’s underwater empire, but what we got is a couple city blocks of ruins and coral. Mostly coral.

I’m not saying the leak is real, nor do I want it to be, but “this representation in game wouldn’t do justice to the lore” is true of basically everything in the past two expansions. Look at Argus, with three tiny instanced zones and painted backdrops. Look at the Zandalari empire, which apparently consists of an inconveniently-designed pyramid and six ships, and no signs that the jungle was ever inhabited by more than a few hut-dwelling villagers. Look at Nazjatar.

At this point, underwhelming, confusing, and not worthy of the lore is all I expect from Blizzard.

First I’ve heard of this leak. Did a bit of googling and it sounds interesting!

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I honestly hate everything about this and would have very little interesting in playing the expansion this “leak” presents. Fortunately I highly doubt its authenticity. Every legitimate leak in the past has had at least one thing that was just completely out of left field, but everything in the “Shadowlands” concept just comes from known lore speculation and fan theories. There’s literally nothing exciting about it.

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No no, I am saying that even on Hakkar’s best day he wouldn’t beat Jani in my opinion. Im trash talking Hakkar.

Jani is best loa.


People say this but I haven’t seen anyone rationalize why they presume it to be fake.

Yeah, obviously you need to be skeptical of any “leak”, but what in specific about the Shadowlands leak makes you believe that it’s fake?

World of Warcraft: Realm of Shadows

The only thing giving it any legitimacy is the map/logo, which can be faked, and some Youtuber’s claim that he knows someone that’s definitely from Blizzard. The actual content of the leak is all established fan fiction and theories. There’s nothing new or unexpected.

Some of the stuff could be true, because it hits a lot of low hanging fruit like Old God involvement and Tinkers, but I highly doubt that this is a real leak. Feel free to come back and quote me if it turns out right, but I’ll likely have already unsubbed by then because this looks like trash.

everything i see and hear on the Internet is 100% true, isn’t it?

If it actually was true, Blizzard should shelf that zone, just to stick it in the eyes of supposed leakers and the streamers who profit from it :stuck_out_tongue: