WoW: Shadowlands Is Probably Real

I didn’t say it couldn’t be real. I said IT IS HIGHLY UNLIKELY for said reasons.

What reasons? There’s only one which is: We don’t know anything about it therefore it won’t happen.

From my understanding Shadowlands doesn’t remove factions so I hope it isn’t the real leak.

If it is a fake, and it may be, they need to hire the person who did it. It sounds much better that what we got with BfA. In fact, it is good enough where I don’t think it is real.

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You realize that is Elder Scrolls, right?


was trying to find the map this person was talking about

Yeah but the way you said “something called Tamriel” had me wondering if you realized that is a map of different zones over all of the Elder Scrolls games and that Tamriel is the name of the continent that comprises all of those zones

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Final Fantasy outside of Seven is niche. The entire artstyle and direction of that dungheap of a franchise is repulsive to most people anyhow.

ff15 sold 5 million in a few months, and its a terrible game.

youre just wrong

edit- also, FF7 barely outsold 10

Sales figures don’t determine if a game is good or not. I wasn’t aware that 15 existed until you spoke of it.

A game having next to no cultural penetration is a sign of it being niche.

" Within the first twenty-four hours, Square Enix reported that Final Fantasy XV had shipped five million units worldwide in both physical shipments and digital sales—a figure which allowed the game to “break even” on development costs." It didn’t even sell that well, it only kept their floundering, bloated franchise shambling to the next release in the hopes of keeping their payday alive.

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… the same reason the Devs said they would never do an Emerald Dream expansion…

no. never played elder scrolls. just googled shadowlands and sanderson, and then looked at images. that was only map i saw that looked anything like the leak.

youre wrong on every side of this and sound like a fool.

you said ff is niche and its not. I said ff15 was terrible, meaning its not a good game, yet it moved millions.

the franchise has over 144 million sales.

thats not niche.

again you dont know what youre talking about

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Cawadooty is not a good game, yet as of 2016 it sold more than 250 million copies. All sales topped 15 billion, and the series has significant cultural penetration and relevance in the west.

Consider that Final Fantasy and it’s ilk sell mostly in Asia, and not the west. It is terrible, to us anyways. It’s niche in the west, popular in Asia.

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it sells far more in the west than in japan.

its not even the biggest rpg series in asia.

again you dont know what youre talking about

Uh… You know WoW probably sold more copies in Asia too, right? They have a lot of people over there.

Daily reminder that there’s never been a leak this far from Blizzcon that turned out to be real and I doubt it’s going to start now. The only thing that comes from these “leaks” is getting streamers/youtubers more clicks.

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I care little for the marginal sales of a dying franchise, nor do I want to waste my time arguing over it.

If you enjoy that errant, horrific artstyle and detestable story, all the more power to you. But please stop fanboying over it, and bringing it up in every thread. Ask Sqenix for a paycheck if you’re going to shill for them.

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nope Im not a big ff14 fan at all. I like the game, dont love it, I play wow.

ff6 and tactics are the only FFs I love.

you were just wrong with what you said and needed to be put in your place is all.

Yeah, and last I checked the reason was because it was too much of the same. If you read the leak you’d know things would be different. For example you’d have different kinds of afterlives like:

  • Elysium
  • Xibalba
  • A pseudo Emerald Dream area
  • Night Elven area
  • Freakin’ Dragon Isles