WoW: Shadowlands Is Probably Real

So Tanaan Jungle followed by Legion isn’t Blizzard basically doing the same twice in a row?

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Yeah well they dropped a kung fu panda expac in the middle of Kung Fu Panda movie hype and that didn’t stop them. I think they can do whatever they want to.

If true, they probably want to see what players think of it before going full steam ahead.


They probably had that planned a few years in advance though and Pandaria was canon lore from back in Warcraft 3

Except there was no lore to it in Warcraft 3. Stormstout says he’s from Pandaria and that is all. Chen appears in one campaign, a bonus campaign and nothing would change if he didn’t appear at all.

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Exactly, would have made more sense for them to show up to pandaria and the entire continent be empty except for the Sha’s.

Also the original pitch for MoP was LITERALLY an April Fools joke.

It doesn’t. It has to deal with the fact that Pyromancers “sources” and his predictions are just that - predictions. He makes his money off speculation. Of course he is going to hype it up. Come on.

If they wouldn’t make the Emerald Dream a full-blown expansion, how in the heck would they do that with the Shadowlands?Anyone who thinks Shadowlands is going to be the next expansion bumped their head. Its far more likely we get the Dragon Isles along with a Cataclysm 2.0-lite world revamp.

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It was nonetheless established. Sure from there they added a storyline and what not but he was still an asian themed panda warrior in warcraft 3 lol

It was a cash grab meant to target the asian markets and drive up participation and subs abroad.

The point is, they will do what makes them money, not what makes sense lorewise.

They will ignore lore, add it where it doesn’t make sense and create it out of thin air in order to do what they want be it Kung Fu Pandas or competing directly with other MMO’s that have expacs with similar themes.


Pretty much every decision Blizzard makes now is for China.

I don’t think they would have had to rely on Kung Fu Panda to make money from the asian market. Making MoP alone would have sufficed imo

Because they’re two completely different things and can’t be compared? Also, do understand the leak says we’ll be going to the Dragon Isles AND Shadowlands.

You say that but don’t explain why.

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The entire expansion was Asian themed, adding kung-fu was necessary almost.

Well obviously he was an asian themed kung fu warrior in Warcraft 3 from a place called pandaria. They’re not gonna make him that then show his home as some norse like territory lol. His kung fu capabilities weren’t “added” they were already there

… because the Shadowlands is all speculation lore-wise. The most we know about it or have seen it is for Uuna questline. We know almost nothing about it and its a spirit realm. When you die in WoW, and you’re in spirit form with the death music - thats the Shadowlands. Its very similar to the Emerald Dream in that it is another plane of reality.

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The added part was that they made it a playable class and race. If it was just like the Vulpera or something who are in-game but not playable and have no direct impact on gameplay I might agree.

But they intentionally added these themes into the permanent game.

On that I see where you are coming from and will agree yes that was likely completely intentional for a cash grab from the asian market.

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Yeah I know. Though last I checked, the Emerald Dream isn’t identical to the real world.

Also just because it’s current speculation doesn’t mean it can’t be real. That logic makes no sense.

We’re gonna find out in November anyway so it’s not that big of a deal honestly. It’s not like the reveal is a year off, we’re talking only a few months out. If it is Shadowlands then cool, if it isn’t then okay whatever. Hopefully whatever it is it ends up being awesome!

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Its fake. Its a rip on Brandon Sanderson own shawdowland work.

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