WoW: Shadowlands Is Probably Real

Except it’s an awful idea for an expansion and will do more damage to the game than BFA did. It’s real if Blizzard wants to kill the game.

So many things wrong with your assessment, ill cover a few

Age between the two is 11 years. The standards by which games are measured are different because the demographic is drastically different

Number of Players FF’s playerbase has always been a small niche market. the only people that do play, are going to praise the game. WoW has had 12x the playerbase, which leaves the game open to 12x the critique and rating.

Statistically significant if you are going to make a 'numbers argument, a 1 percent difference, is not statistically significant by any standard measure.


Valid, but I think people who like to fuss constantly about the game probably still will find something to natter about pretty much no matter what they do.


Dragon Isles continent is probably coming.

World Revamp sadly is probably not coming, and Shadowlands will only come as one raid/dungeon like the Emerald Dream and any other plane (Elementals) was handled.

Jeremy Feasel made a Tweet about how he was annoyed by recent leaks, meanwhile, the World Revamp leaks got a lot of hype and positivity from the community, so I guess he was annoyed because that’s not what we’re going to see in the next expansion.


How are you sure the current wow playerbase is higher than ff14s?

Ff14 isnt ffs only mmo. There was 11 before it which was around forever, dont act like final fantasy is niche when its not

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I am talking about
current playerbase at the time of the xpac release

final fantasy 11 was a dumpster fire, it hurts your cause to bring that up

the ff core is a niche group. Outside of Japan, America and Europe would rather play something else. the players in the west that do like ff is a small fringe group.

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The leak is fake.

The ideas in the leak are plausible.


There is a lot in that leak i like. I hope it’s real

Square Enix released sub numbers for a combination of FFXI, FFXIV, and some other sub-based game when the combined total reached 1 million. That sets -some- precedence for them releasing numbers at milestones. The fact that we haven’t seen them release a 2 million statement tells me they’re probably not up to 2 million.

There’s no way to know where WoW stands, but I’d be surprised if it were under 2 million. NA? Yeah, absolutely. Globally? Naw.

In a climate where mass firings are common at Blizzard, I find it incredibly hard to believe that a current employee would risk termination by not only leaking information, but by telling their REAL NAME to a third-party with a Twitch mouth for a friend.

I mean, maybe they WANT to get fired…


Wrong. It has a 92% at MC at the moment. One of the highest rated ever.

I know the pre-retcon lore and the post-retcon lore. If I didn’t know post-retcon lore, you’d have a point. I know classic WoW quests, where to find hidden NPC, how to glitch into Caverns of Time and Mount Hyjal pre-Cataclysm revamp. Pyromancer knows none of that because much of the pre-Cataclysm game and lore was lost or retconned. Patch -to-patch and experiencing it firsthand is what matters, not who got to the lore 5 minutes before or after the other. Intellectual cretinism seems to be contagious on the official forums, though. Might want to get an inoculation.

And how is literally any of that relevant to 9.0?

“Ooh I know where to find a hidden NPC in classic WoW and how to glitch into Caverns of Time before cataclysm, and that’s why I am the arbiter of what is and isn’t plausible for 9.0”



Never implied I was all knowing, just that I know a lot more about Warcrafts lore than Pyromancer… and I do. In fact, many people on these forums know more than him. He’s a newcomer to the lore scene. That’s just the reality. The only lore he really even talks about is Titans and Old Gods. I mean fanboys be fanboys though. Critical thinking is a rare trait.

Right, I’m a “fanboy” because I watched one video of his, and just noted that in that video all his lore was spot on. You still haven’t actually even described how he was wrong, you just said he “is wrong often” without actually giving any examples.


Alex had been a baby since EQ days. I still remember his rants because he was always second best.


Map looks very close to Broken Isle so i’m a little skeptical on that on top of it being on the internet.

Don’t talk about me like I’m not even here.

So I just read the “leak” for the first time and boy does it really lose credibility in a bunch of places.

It’s clearly written by a horde fan. “Sylvannas was always good, the night elves are the evil ones.” I think the most telling part is where it refers to the night warrior’s “victims”… yeah not showing any bias there at all. It also states said “victims” will return and… can anyone even name for me a character who had been canonically killed by a night warrior? Just that one val’kyr I think and I doubt she’d make it to the shadowlands.

The dragon isles are also a pretty easy pull, pretty much the only area even slightly started on in vanilla that we haven’t visited yet. If you were going to fake a leak and wanted a zone name, you’d google unreleased WoW zones and it’d be at the top. I’m also fairly certain they were retconned from existence.

I love how Bolvar is just dropped in there for a second. Great use of a character. Just another sign of fan fiction writing. Giving people what they want to see so they’ll convince themselves it’s real. The same goes for the tinkerer class.

I also like how Elune and Helya are friends and on the same side but “good guy sylvannas’” first act was to kill all her followers for helya’s secret war? Also if the night warriors are bad for both Elune and helya, why would Elune make them and also why would Sylvannas want to push them into doing it?

And it’s jusr all so dumb that… that…

Oh god.

It HAS to be blizzard. It IS real!

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I can rattle off a ton of things.

He thought Bwonsamdi’s boss was Nzoth. Then Helya. Now he thinks its Hakkar.

He thought Magni was corrupted. He wasn’t. Big difference between corruption and being mislead.

He said Azeroth was doomed and Sargeras already killed her with the sword. He didn’t.

In Legion he said Nzoth was below Tirisfal Glades. Wrong.

He also said in Legion that the Emerald Dream was in the Shadowlands. Wrong there too.

Most importantly, he assailed blizzard for making Sylvanas 1 dimensional. Shes always been evil.

Oh, and he said BfA would be better than Legion. Hows that one working out?

I’ve watched almost all of his videos. That’s how I know he is almost always wrong.