WoW: Shadowlands Is Probably Real

Bwonsamdi working for Hakkar
Sylvanas and Helya were actually the good guys all along
Bolvar, Helya, Tyrande and Sylvanas are all going to team up

I don’t think you could have honestly predicted these things based upon current lore.

The logo, if it’s a fake, is an extremely good fake.

All of those have been theorized, yes.

And if this:

is true then I have finally completely given up on Blizzard’s writing.

By who? I’m not talking about “lol wouldn’t it be funny if archimonde came back and we teamed up with the burning legion to fight the void” forum posts, but serious, evidence-based arguments that support your position that this leak is just working off things we already know.

What in-game lore is there to suggest Helya might return as a good guy?

They tried that with Illidan. It flopped pretty bad. And its a bad cliche. Which considering Blizzards tendency to go for rule of cool with zero consistency would make sense.

But it could also too easily create what you would call a broken base.

Its super weird this concept. Oh, the same CLEARLY Curse of Flesh’d Original Valkyr (sorry, Titan Constructs really do not just start growing tentacles); and screwed over the Titan Keepers out of pure spite, and abandoned the rest to Loken and Yogg’Saraon … is actually fighting N’Zoth? If she did not give a damned about Yoggie coming back and corrupting all of the other Keepers … why the hell would she care about N’Zoth? Oh, and to make things more ridiculous she comes back with a new “pretty” form … cuz reasons.

Hell, with her connections to Loken (in that even Xal states that he did a good job turning her) … and the fact that her Kvaldir are repeatedly shown battling Naga … I would have bought she was a servant of Yogg’Saron herself (rather than some secret hero of the world that has done nothing but malignant things for thousands of years).

It’s people like you that make me wish the leaks are real just to watch you go insane.

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The lore forums at MMO-Champion are pretty active with off-the-wall theories. I’ve seen many speculations about a potential Shadowlands expansion and who would be our “guiding NPC” in it, including Sylvanas, Helya, Tyrande, Arthas, Bolvar, Yogg, and one that even thought the Kalu’ak might come back and do us a solid.

In particular, Helya is pretty clearly made out by Chronicles to be a character that got seriously screwed by Odyn and is fairly justifiable in wanting him dead, so plenty of people have theorized that she’s redeemable.

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The problem with all of those is they’d all need some serious butt pulls and deus ex machina for it to make sense.

Sylvanas being proven “right” would be extremely divisive after all the negative and destructive things she’s done in BfA.

Helya, even forgetting how she had a bone to pick with Odyn, her behavior toward you when you visited Helheim shows she’s pretty twisted and sadistic. For her to suddenly change her ways doesn’t make sense.

Oh, and Yogg, as in Yogg’saron? Trusting an Old God to help us? Yeah, that’s about as smart as playing russian roulette.

Oh I agree completely. Sylvanas and Helya being our new “Dadgars” is one of the main red flags about this leak.

its a sad day if there is a tinker class when they could just buff engineering.

its sad to waste a class slot on that.


Instead of what? Death knight in cloth? Arch-whatever?
If nothing else it would be the first class in years that isn’t just “X with Y weapon and Z magic type”.

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I wouldn’t be so sure. Especially since none of the Warbringers gals have died.
Been beaten, but not died.

I’m pretty sure that will only anger those who have always hated Sylvie and call everyone on her side fanboys.

It’s really not much of a red flag. Except probably anger those who have done nothing but harass people who happen to like her. Sometimes comparing them to certain real life death cults.

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Interesting, thank you. I’ll have to read that.

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Making it a class lets them do big stuff with it. They can’t buff it too far or else, if its a direct DPS advantage, people will drop other professions and only do engineering. So engineering has to be the odd stuff

Tinkers let engineering go hog-wild by containing it in a class

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play a mm hunter with a gun and blizzard can give engineering a buff and turrets.

no need to waste a new class spot on a tinker.

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Even if the leak is true, hopefully it’ll be called something different and not Shadowlands. I remember back in Legion there was a leak showing next xpac would be called Tides of Vengeance. Turns out it was BFA but ToV was name of patch in it. So Shadowlands would probably be name of patch and xpac would be called Black Empire or Rise of Black Empire.

It certainly seems viable.

You can even shrug off Sylvie’s genocidal campaign as simply trying to swell the ranks of the ethereal forces.

But Helya and Yogg being in our corner?

I may be the odd one out here, but I tend to not trust people who try to enslave and/or murder me.

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I 'member. He’s always had a bad attitude.


Explain how they’re allowed to play this expac and play as undead then.

As for the tinkerer class, it could be introduced at the end of this expac instead because of mechagon

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