There aren’t any ads yet, there is just a box where there will be adds. But really, who doesn’t have adds these days? The settings are very easy to navigate, and really easy to turn off any kind of overlays, or any auto-starts, or anything that keeps it open. You can also turn off anything that sends info to Overwolf.
And not to mention that they pledge to share 70% of revenue with the addon makers. I don’t have any problems with that.
I’ve seen the ads in the overlay for other games.
Popping up over the game.
I’d rather not have that in wow, which is what everyone is worried about.
And the ads in question were video ads. Video ads that eat up my bandwidth.
I have not seen any of that. I’m pretty sure Blizzard would have a problem with that.
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Me neither, personally I open it and update tis about all. I have to say I like their this addon is messed up feature though, I haven’t an addon error since I started. I find shutting it down is so much smoother than Twitch is too. As for overlays no idea because it’s shut down before I even launch WoW.
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You seem to be pushing Overwolf very hard. Do you have some sort of personal interest in this company/client? Overwolf has a LONG history of being very bad for multiple reasons. Thus far, they have yet to demonstrate their ability to move away from those challenges. The fact that they still want to have an overlay imbed into the game at all is a problem. The fact that their product is still causing people blue screens and introducing performance issues is a problem.
Exactly. I don’t understand why anybody would keep it open. Just update your addons, close it out, and go play WoW. It even told me about some corrupt addon installs that weren’t working. It fixed them for me. And unlike Twitch, this version has no problems finding the correct WoW folder. Twitch always wanted to update my old backup folders even though I would change the target folder.
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Are you positive it was a fake site? I have never even heard of overwolf, let alone downloaded it, but I got the same popup, after I had afk logged out, and the login screen was still open. Closed the screen and reopened from the Blizzard hub, and it was the same thing. They also changed some of the rules for multiboxing software very recently, which would require a change to our contracts with Blizzard. The only thing it asks is if you agree. Chances are, they have your password if that login screen is part of a virus/phishing software, because you have to type it in (or have it input automatically) and hit enter to get that popup.
Yep the same addons Twitch said were working fine. It’s cool, I get the anger at Overwolf in the past, heck even now if the crashes are real, but I don’t get why anyone wouldn’t shut it down after they update their stuff.
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And honestly, you can disable anything that could be seen as intrusive. People are just too lazy to go through the settings. They are very clearly marked and easy to turn off.
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Overwolf and Twitch are not Blizzard products. Neither is the internet, microsoft windows, or your local internet provider. Neither is your computer, monitor, or mouse.
Don’t waste your time talking to Blizzard “blues” about things that aren’t Blizzard products.
This is wrong. WoW cannot download Overwolf, and WoW didn’t send you to that site. The Overwolf installer sent you there.
That EULA was probably the Overwolf EULA, not the Blizzard EULA. Every company can have a EULA.
Wowup doesn’t have any ads
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Thanks, WoWUp seems great, and less intrusive!
I deleted OverWolf, but it left a lot of files in my Registry that CCleaner didn’t eliminate.
I’m so tempted to manually remove them, but I don’t want to break anything!
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It just keeps getting worse the more you find out about it lmao down to the registry
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Those are probably uninstall entries in the user space. Basically it just lists information about a program , where to find its uninstaller program and how long things have been installed.
CCleaner probably left them intentionally as it’s generally bad practice for programs to remove them and it’s fairly complicated to remove properly with not a lot of benefit.
Modern versions of Windows have fairly robust registries with no preformance hits in having a few thousand unused or out of date registry keys lying around. The whole “you must get a registry key cleaner and clean out all extra unused entries” thing may of had some merit in the days of Windows 95 / XP where you had small amounts of ram and comparatively smaller hard drives but not now.
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Thank you!
I’ve had to delete so many registry entries in my time; esp for Nortons and Avast… CCleaner will install Avast unless I remove HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AvastAdSDK, I find it so annoying.
I was worried OverWolf might re-install with the registry entries; it’s good to know they are empty, and won’t clutter my Windows 10.
Don’t get me wrong.
Corrupt registry values will cause issues for you and definately should be fixed. In that aspect registry cleaner can be helpful. But not in the needing to get rid of unused registry entries - when a program needs a registry value it can get it fairly swiftly and aren’t sorting through multiple entries one by one.
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Overwolf will start when u turn ur pc on, so be sure to change this after installing it.
I donno about you all, but as soon as I turn my PC on, I open CurseForge (which opens Overwolf) check WoW for addon updates, then I close CurseForge (which also closes Overwolf).
Not sure why all the hate – program works great.
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yea I quickly switched to the otherone wowup