WoW Remix Tuning and Adjustments -- May 21

When are you going to make the cloak account wide like it was on the PTR?

Anything less is unacceptable.


Yeah, way to go, throw some crumbs so the starveling stop crying.

IDGAF about threads, those you can stick god knows where.

What I trully wanted was a way to chatch up in the bronze, having slight stronger character doesnt change the fact that IF I WANT to get all the collectables I’ll have to drag myself in this sh*tty grind for 3 months while ppl finished it 3 days.


I would rather they DRAMATICALLY increase drops from quest turn in, dungeons/raids/scenarios/world bosses.


Aside from hotfixes, I’d be interested to hear some insight as to what the design goals actually are for Remix, to somewhat inform my expectations.


The design goals are all over the trailer. Implementation is different, and good luck getting them to explain why :joy:

They can’t at this point… it would basically say “the froggers destroyed the event and we’re barely doing what we can in our blizzard ways”

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Yeah learn from Blunderstorm, if you wait until everyone quits to actually implement the fixes, those people don’t actually come back and the event is dead for good.


Ordos still hits like a truck. His unavoidable “special” attack hit me for 2,060,886 damage just now. Instead of the 3-4mil it was doing pre-nerf. His health is also now only 330mil instead of the 3bil or whatever he did have.

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For all those interested heres some quick table-top math for all you players that don’t mob grind and don’t want to make 30+ alts and doing EVERY single quest in Pandaria.

800k for gear upgrades (If you want to raid) and then another 1.8 mil for all cosmetics if you’re going for all that.

Normal Siege gives 8k bronze
ToT gives 7.5k

The other three raids combined give close to 5k.

So that’s maybe 20k bronze alone a day (if we are being a little generous with my math) if you want to do it that way doing all the raid content. Assuming you aren’t frogged out enough to 1 shot bosses ,you have to take in account queue times to get into groups, or time it takes to make a group of competent players.

And it significantly shortens that time using an actual exploit ---- Ward of Salvation — Which im sure will be nerfed soon if it hasn’t already

But by that point you’re probably already closing on the 6 hour mark alone in just a single day, god forbid you have anything else important in your life.

So by that count that’s 90 days of clearing every single raid on normal without missing a single day if you are trying to obtain 1.8 million.

Enjoy treating panda land an expansion that came out 10+? 12? years ago as a full time job again


What we want:

Massive buffs to exp on cloak for alts
Either a larger bronze buff or upgrades to cost less bronze so people actually do content at 70

What we get:

Mana potion better xD


We have made the following changes to improve Thread of Time gain for the Cloak of Infinite Potential. There are four new items that grant players escalating amounts of power for the Cloak of Infinite Potential:

  • Minor Spool of Eternal Thread
  • Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread
  • Spool of Eternal Thread
  • Greater Spool of Eternal Thread

Players will be able to find these new items from a variety of solo and group sources, ensuring all players have accessible ways to improve their cloak:

  • Infinite Bazaar Repeatable Dailies
  • First-Time Daily Scenario, Dungeon, and each LFR queue
  • World Bosses
  • Remix Achievements
    • Each of these achievements are available for additional characters to complete as well for bonus Bronze - and now bonus Spools of Eternal Thread.
  • Troves of the Thunder King scenario on the Isle of Thunder

Our goal with these additional items is to give players access to more Threads of Time from daily repeatable sources for primary and secondary characters. These should serve as readily attainable power-ups from a wide variety of content, so players can enjoy the breadth of Pandaria while also gaining additional power.


Pog? We’ll see

So the people that already did the quest lines and achievements first are just even more of a loss now because you’re not making those spools for achievements retroactive. Great idea


What about the individuals who have managed to do all of the achievements prior to this change? Are they just sol???


Any news on bugged threads achievements?
I have currently unlocked the last thread achievement however still don’t have Infinite Power VIII (500 threads) unlocked.
As such my alts are incorrectly getting low stat cloaks (16% XP gain) despite me having unlocked the 4200 thread achievement.

It is now understandably impossible for my main to unlock the 500 thread achievement as they have already surpassed it.
I logged a ticket but was told to “look on Wowhead”, how will that help when I have clearly met the requirements through later meta achievements.

Why couldn’t you just have released the game like it was on PTR but just fixed the bugs? Genuine question, this is very concerning for how well you guys are listening for TWW…


Yeah I’m pretty sure our mains just got screwed hard


So…Perpetual Thread of Experience (blue thread from completing LFR) now provides 250 Bronze for level 70 characters.

What are the numbers of this “greater” threads?

And how you mostly get greater, because lets be honest who wants anything but greater at this rate…

And so far all I’m seeing here is an attempt to put people back to the hamster wheel of retail systems…

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I’ve seen some people on Reddit saying it seems to be retroactive. That they have higher stats on their cloak than they did before.

I haven’t checked it myself though.