WoW Remix Tuning and Adjustments -- May 21

It’s all great but bronze gains need a buff still


Bean counter department stepped in and said that alt leveling speed would diminish perceived value of boost services and lower sales. Q2 report is due in the next month, can’t have that happen now


“Daily repeatable” – I still don’t understand why you feel the need to slow things down when it’s very clear to everyone that The Team has zero problem with players amassing power very quickly and using it in your content.

Also, why aren’t these eternal threads retroactive? How many players do you honestly think are going to do this all over again after their mains already have those achievements? This content isn’t that much fun.


You need to reduce the bronze cost to upgrade gear.


It definitely isn’t retroactive. All my cloak gains today primarily came from some of the new bonuses. Meanwhile I had about 75% of the achievements already completed.

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it’s not, i have almost all the remix achieves done already and my HP is the same as it was last night. which means no retroactive threads


Based on the addition of threads to achievements and such, is there any plan to mail that to people who have earned those achievements so they can benefit from it on the character that already earned it as well?


They are wrong, by chance I took a screenshot of my cloak stats last night to show a friend and logging in now the numbers are the same.

Yeah, I’m not even really going off of the promo materials anymore. They’ve made so many changes since then/the PTR that it’s practically unrecognizable from that rosy version of the event. I’m just interested in what they’re trying to work it into now and what their intentions are. Like so far:

  • Upgrade costs for gear haven’t been touched. Does that imply that these costs are intended/set in stone and won’t be adjusted?
  • Various mechanics are still bugged to be doing far more damage than what’s probably intended. It can probably be assumed that these will be adjusted, but the timeframe here could suggest that they haven’t even started working on them yet. Or are they even aware of them?
  • What does Blizzard intend for instanced/max-level content to feel like? They seem to be very hesitant to rebalance instances, with most tuning so far being focused on outdoor mobs. Is the expectation for players who feel like it’s currently too punishing to gear up more? What is a level 70 ‘raider’ in Remix supposed to look like power-wise? How strong should their cloak be? What ilvl should they be at? Are we all just still too weak for what Blizzard considers to be ‘capable’ for raiding, and that’s why it’s so tough at the moment? (this is all aside from mechanics that’re actually bugged as noted above, and more talking to tuning in general)

idk, with little communication and what seem like very limited hotfixes that include nerfs to farming methods, my current impression is that Blizzard wants Remix to be arguably more grindy than normal retail just in terms of power progression, to say nothing of the cosmetic grind which should (IMO) be the focus here. Why is it more time-consuming to gear up in the ‘for fun’ game mode than the normal one? At least in DF I can get higher ilvl drops to skip farming crests for upgrades…


Almost certainly.

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It has been.


Send you into dungeons, raids and scenarios.

Also group content.

Technically group content but I’ll give you this one since if you hang around by a world boss for a bit surely a group will come by to help you whack it.

So too bad for those who already did them, roll a new alt.

Pretty sure this instamurders people at current scaling.

I’m not seeing the wide variety including solo players much at all.


And where are any improvements to bronze acquisition or stupidly absurd upgrade prices?

Any at all?

Oh look you nerfed goats, not even a problematic source of bronze or threads, simply because players were farming it.

Why do yall actively hate your playerbase?


Some good changes but such a miss on what the issues with this game modes is. I get 500 bronze when completing a heroic scenario that takes 20 mins to do because of RP and things are still overtuned post hotfix. My staff takes 9k bronze to upgrade. So you’re telling me to upgrade my staff I need to do 18 heroic scenarios?

  • Upgrade costs need to be reduced significantly (may 900 per upgrade)
  • More bronze from instanced content if every source of farming mobs is going to be removed.
  • Scaling needs to be revisited even more, things are still way overtuned.

amazing change but still think frogs should be rolled back to reasonable levels(not completely but just so they aren’t soloing raids)


Don’t expext any QoL aimed at solo players. Blizzard hates them for playing their games “wrong”.


Maybe the upgrade costs for gear are how they timegate the majority of the playerbase here. Lowering them is probably one of the ‘buffs’ they’ll throw in near the end of the event like what they did with Plunderstorm. It just feels weird to have it be such a slog, in contrast to how they promoted this event.


Hell yeah, so now I get to spend 10+ hours a day trying to find people that have the mental capacity to handle mechanics in ToT and SoO


Well, technically Blizzard hates them for playing the game that doesn’t lead to parasocial obligations that will keep people subscribed in the long term and also gatekeep content in a way that is easily monetized by the high-end raiding population.


How many of you want to redo all the Remix achievements on an alt?
Raise your hands please.

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It’s just sad. Blizzard can’t seem to do anything right lately.

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