WoW Remix Tuning and Adjustments -- May 21

It’s a good idea but it’s not what is being asked for here. This request is, specifically, to lower the effort needed to fill gear slots by setting the necklace to LFR.

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Honestly I don’t know. I’m not at the vendor to price check them.

This isn’t a gotcha to me. I know it’s a real feelsbadman moment spending bronze on temporary power over permanent collectibles.

But I also know that people aren’t going to be getting near the amounts a day from a normal dungeon and scenario as they find more and more normal raid groups declining them over people who did.

There is thousands of bronze and the raids throw scrappable gear at you too (which gives mog and bonus bronze). I do wish/hope Blizzard does things sooner than later but as the hotfixes show, they’re taking baby steps and tackling things that are baby in nature. It also isn’t in their interest to let us all go hog wild and finish it all in a week because they want to show consistent engagement for as long as possible.

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Hahahaha, it actually was nothing!

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Blizzard bricked the game after the legion stat squish and we have been recovering ever since. Imo I think leveling is fast baseline 100% increase I level after like 1-2 quests or killing a mob. My biggest and what I have read from others is the scaling feels to slow. Granted we have 90 days but we also should be able to do goofy things like killing bosses quickly or trivializing easy or having really goofy stats this could offer different ways to build a character from the norm because we have options. To offset a class weakness. I was more so hoping to level alts gain transmog and kinda experiment. Leveling alts has been fine for me, but getting transmog and other fun customization and mounts can be to expensive because of the bronze limitations. I don’t even consider upgrading my gear as the value of the transmog and mounts ect are so much more valuable. Although this shouldn’t have to be a choice as players we have to make. I shouldn’t have to choose to upgrade temporary gear over a mount. The progression should be quick but not instant that was the whole point of this event. Go fast,

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Appreciating all the new spools and extra threads!

It’s not in the patch notes, but I’m getting Spool catch-up items on dailies, scenarios, and dungeons currently.

Rares are dropping lots too.


Oh did they do a thread catch up mechanism now?

I take back what I said, thank you for the big thread catch up mechanic blizz.

Agreed! But like, put it in the patch notes!

its related. people getting shot down for invites to get the achieves for the necklace by the mad froggers. It is related to threads gains. Item level is subpar with an empty spot. I understand that making some things easier isn’t necessarily a fix. This is merely an idea to remove one domino so more of them don’t fall in a chain reactin.

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Here’s a summary. Each upgrade from 346 gives ~14 ilvls.

Weapon = 9k
Chest, Head, Pants - 4.5k x3 = 13.5k
Shoulder, Hands, Waist, Feet - 3.375k x 4 = 13.5k
Wrist = 2.53k

Total = 38,53k, same amount as one of the rare mounts.
Bronze per hour for non-degenerate gameplay is around 4-5k.
So it means each upgrade ~8h of gameplay.

It will take around 80h for OPness to start setting in.

P.S.: Might as well make this its own topic.


That issue was mostly for high level to low level conversions. Just having a max level character with that or the windsong i think one could make a very fresh character hit leech cap and haste cap, things I didn’t know existed until I was at level 10 with 10000 haste and 5000 leech. its 126% haste and 48% leech also for posterity.

Also gonna leave some feedback. I would think making this mode feel lucrative and respectful of player time should be a higher priority then bugs that favor the playerbase at this time. I do agree that many of these changes are actually good ones, but everything is going to feel like blizzard is barking up the wrong tree until some very obvious system issues namely the bronze upgrade economy and acceptable alternatives to thread farming come into play. I’ll even note that despite everything I am actually enjoying this mode, I just feel the upgrade system is beyond egregious it is no fly in the ointment but rather a locust swarm of an issue.

Dear Blizzard:

I stopped playing this mode almost after it was released after coming to the forums and reading them. It just doesn’t sound very fun for most people–in a lot of different ways. Many of us have other things in our lives that require our attention. Some of us will be gone for an entire month of this event due to RL obligations and things like …vacations. If you were planning on keeping this around, I’d say what you’ve chosen to do is just fine. But since you’re not, it just doesn’t seem like it’s going to be worth it to many people.

The fact that you decided LFR shouldn’t allow for some people who don’t like to have to form our own groups to raid to get certain rewards seems petty and antithetical to the whole point of what this game-mode was offering. If this were Diablo, I’d say this was fine, but WoW is not Diablo. The obvious progression methods in Diablo make sense. The things you have decided to prioritize in this game mode, however, do not.

Anyway…I guess I’ll get what I can while I can, but I’m disappointed that something that sounded like it wouldn’t be a slog is looking very much like it is one. And I doubt anyone is going to enjoy that–not you, and from what I’ve been reading–certainly not your customers.


In before the recent increase in thread drops is a bug. :rofl:


Wouldn’t that just be something. :frowning:

I know I am enjoying seeing threads drop a lot more, and as for the bronze increase, I feel that won’t happen like really happen until right at the end of the event. Kind of a last minute Plunderstorm change after the fact.

Better get on and start exploiting early and often. That’s the WoW way!


I crack up when I read that :slight_smile:

Can hear that voice in my head yelling, “do it NOW”.

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Why limit this to first of the day? What is the problem devs have with players amassing power — especially when it’s clear devs don’t actually have a problem with this (no consequences for Gulp Frog farmers) ?


Can’t sadly, in a long car ride haha.