WoW Remix Tuning and Adjustments -- May 21

It’s funny because they’re like “We hear you Timerunners!” Immediately turns around and nerfs more things


How about Exp boost, becomes bronze boost after cap?


It goes from 400 or so for the last upgrade before 346 (think it’s 346?) to NINE THOUSAND for a 360 upgrade for a two-hander.

Just drop the obscene multiplier and make it 450. Drop it by 95%.


You’re not allowed, everything has to be a slow grindfest. The devs dont even play the game. It’s sad when a temporary game mode is even this unfun.

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Oh look there…another round of hotfixes and all the naysayers claiming I’m wrong for advocating for 70’s to cough up some bronze on a few levels of upgrade are still waiting on that copium to come through. Seems like Blizzard isn’t yet ready (if they ever will) to not intend for you to be spending some bronze on what truly amounts to massive power gains.

Edit - I wholeheartedly agree that paying obscene amounts feels incredibly bad…but all you on the struggle bus and can’t even get your rings and neck because the content slaps you down are only holding yourselves back. Who knows if or when Blizzard will nerf costs down.

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Remember they pulled the same bs with Torghast. Torghast in beta was actually kinda fun and you felt OP, then they turned around and turned it into what we got at launch.


I mean you are wrong, so yeah. You’re advocating for people to spend hundreds of hours grinding a meaningless currency in a temporary game mode so they can have fun mounts and transmog on their mains. Anyone who supports that grind is wrong. It’s supposed to be fun.


If people aren’t willing to buy, people will stop trying to sell.

Hundreds of hours? Absolutely no.

2-3 ranks puts things into faceroll territory from eating dirt because an elite looked at you sideways.

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Why not just put all of the rewards in the cash shop instead, then? Cut out the middleman.

How much Bronze does that come out to, for all slots?


Response to feedback?

Curious choice of words.

Lmao. Yall are a joke.


“Various issues” means there are more things The Team feels need to be addressed?

token prices have been climbing lol

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This fixes literally nothing. The issue is threads not the gear. If they buff the amount of threads you acquired then it’ll scale better progression wise. Getting +12 stats is literally useless at level 70 because of DR. You need more to get a tangible progression, if you gained 50 per box or 100 or 75 you could actually see benefits from just doing quests and looting mobs.


now fix the prices for upgrading gear its way over priced


I hear you dude. But it’s not a suggestion designed to fully fix the issue. It’s just a nicety to help close the gap and alleviate tension.

Maybe implement a special chest reward for a zone quest achieve that gives a lot of threads in sta + primary stat(retroactive). Those are long and time-consuming. I also agree with the tweak for lvl 70 threads needs to be higher. Maybe have a diminishing return % for players below a threshold. So those weaker characters get a higher % to a goal, and once you reach said tier, you get +12 or +24.


They could at least improve the drop chance of threads from the timerunner orbs all over map. I flew around for thirty minutes and got two threads…wooo :unamused:


Buffing threads drop chance and the amount of stats they give you would be a direct solution to this. Yes gear is good but the reason why people who farmed frogs are so powerful is because their cloaks are giving them an insane amount of primary and secondary stats. Especially primary. On live my Paladin has 14k strength people who farmed tokens have 40k primary from their cloak alone ontop of their gear. If thread gains were not only shared account wide based on achievement progression but also increased in quantity then this wouldn’t feel so bad. Yes scaling is bad and upgrading gear and bronze acquisition is slow, but there easy ways to address these issues. Give XP threads still but make it so instead of getting XP it increases threads base value and bronze as well. Or just buff the gains across the board. I came into this expecting corruption level of goofyness not being weaker than my level 12 dk.


Agree, I don’t want xp threads, I want abils. TBH, I want to level more slowly with the scaling that exists, lol. I like my concept of a higher gains for level 70 below a threshold. IE diminishing return for above that threshold. I think they only real fix blizz can do is a dt, stat squish, and they re-open it.