WoW Remix Tuning and Adjustments -- May 21

The team is currently focused on making level 70 gameplay more rewarding.

What part about this says specifically scaling?


Wait someone explain this to me like I’m 5, how does this address players with millions of health vs 500k?


Correction. It never specified scaling. It just said gameplay, so that does include any sort of bronze things.

Timerunners, We hear you!

The team is currently focused on making level 70 gameplay more rewarding.

More details to come soon.

No where in that tweet said specifically scaling.


Frog catch up when?


Screw us I guess.


I know you’re kidding, but people wouldn’t be grinding frogs and goats so much if upgrade costs weren’t so insane, bronze drops were so low, and scaling wasn’t so insane that upgrades were so necessary.


90-99% TBH.
9k for a weapon upgrade is ridiculous, and would still be way too high (900) with a 90% nerf.

We are still getting around 3-5k bronze per hour in regular play (heroics/quests/lfr) at 70, if that.


It’s almost like they shouldn’t keep nerfing things when the game mode is in an unplayable state for level 70s who don’t exploit hyper spawn farms.

Especially when they keep nerfing said hyper spawns which tells us it is an exploit and we shouldn’t be doing it.


These changes are laughable and make you look pathetic Blizzard…


It no longer scales with absorb or healing increase effects. It was nerfed because it was too powerful in raids.

You’re right I may be confused with the initial complaints from Sunday. It’s hard keeping up with their constant changes.

I would still be surprised if they make any changes to bronze costs or acquisition, as they haven’t made a single statement regarding the disparity and in these types of situations they rarely do.

But then how would the high end raiders who had the inside line and exploited the loophole early and hard sell Mythic carries for retail gold that people buy tokens for? :dracthyr_tea:


That is fair. I do think it was said on the forums about scaling. But the tweet did say something else.

I know y’all got a lot on your plate and all, but could you please make the Quick Strike gem work with Frost DK abilities (Frost Strike, Obliterate)? They’re both melee abilities, and should trigger it.

That is kinda silly. I loved it on my monk cause it was another oh poop cooldown to use on the tanks that just die in heroic dungeons. :frowning:

I am indeed being facetious.

But it’s the logical extreme. People wouldn’t be “exploiting” the system if upgrades weren’t so expensive and if scaling wasn’t a hot mess. Frog farm wasn’t just efficient, it was “a necessary evil” to not feel completely impotent.


And yet still no changes to Bronze acquisition.

I’m just going to get my remix mounts and dip. I don’t even care about buying the world boss mounts anymore. Remix didn’t even make it a full week :headstone:


These changes almost feel like them taunting people for being upset.

It’s really kind of sickening tbh,

Radio silence on any kind of meaningful changes, just a vague tweet and that’s it.

Time to unsub I guess.


Oh, also: Can we get a fix for despawn august celestials? Because that is still a thing.

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Just let people take theyr characters to retail.
Event is pretty much ruined at this point and I would be very much glad to not spend any more time in it.


Huh on vamp Aura scaling, it has been a flat 10% leech from lvl 10 to lvl 70, and with different ilvl gear. Is the tooltip of it now incorrect and there is some sort of scaling?

Also still have a few enemies with massive dmg outliers which is way more annoying than something being a dmg sponge.
Hopefully this is first tuning/adjustment/hotfix note for today and not only one.

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