WOW Remix: Bait and Switch and Feedback to fix it

Lol those were my first “oh no” moment of this event. I did the intro, got sent to the Rostrum in the sea to unlock dragonflying and saw one of those. Flew through and saw +4 Bronze and just knew instantly this was going to be one of their “farming” options and we were not going to see more Bronze than we were seeing on the PTR

They wanted a halfass piece of content to throw out the door quickly, with minimal dev time spent so they could focus on TWW.

Ironically, it would have worked even better if they changed NO scaling at all, maybe a few silly cross-class ability sockets, and left it almost entirely on retail code with a level cap of 35.


I’m having a good time running the open world content that I did so long ago… but I’ve already resolved to only finish this one character, and then I’ll be done with it forever. I would have leveled a bunch of characters through timerunning if they’d left it like it was on the PTR. (And here I was, wanting a PVE offering after plunderstorm!)

But, like Torghast in Shadowlands, they took something everyone really enjoyed, and clipped its wings. Now, the only real fun anyone seems to be having is frog farming (witness how many groups there are in premade on your server, I guarantee it’s 95% frog farming on the Timeless Isle.)

What a shame.

i stayed subbed a extra month that i didnt play retail(cause the profession grind there burnt me out hard and i was only doing 6 or 7 of my toons. not all 40+) and now im thinking of just letting my sub go untill tww.

honestly i can level faster on retail with heirlooms then this and now that the cloaks not 1:1 its like why bother. im guessing a 100% cloaks probably = to full heirlooms.

throw in no professions on top of that so i have something to do when i get bored of questing which is often. its starting to feel like why even bother. now im back to thinking unsub till tww pre event or release if this happens to actually be the pre event :frowning:

i dont think this is tww expansion pre event though which will probably give us another insane leveling path again like the last 1 and previous pre events but i dont remember most of those except the legion 1 i think it was was also ultra fast to level. i remember df pre patch event my 10s hit 60 ultra fast to where i was making a couple 60s a day so why isnt this event alot faster then it is considering tww pre event will probably be another insane leveling speed event anyways.


Agree with the original poster.

It’s a fun event that I was looking forward to. And that they nerfed and haven’t tested. The balance is utterly broken and its core appeal (power and levelling alts) are nerfed. It might as well be a standard XP buff in the world with a few wacky gems (that… in dungeons don’t do that much compared to the raw power of lower level characters).

After a weekend I’ve got all the achievement rewards and the class items I want. I’d like to carry on pottering around but its hard to do so when it’s so broken.

Keep crying about it and you’ll find yourself looking back one day and realizing that the only enjoyment you have in life is crying.

Can anyone answer why I am not able to upgrade my rings and trinkets?

So you go from one bad blizzard game to another, no wonder they keep pumping out bad content: you guys will buy it regardless.

they just bring back the good old frog farm. this is the only way to get your character any progress in a decent time. otherwise good luck with hc dungeons, scenarios and raids.
tbh i would prefer normal gear than this grind cloak

I’d argue that it is slower. Considerably so.
There is no OP’ness to requiring 3-5 hits on mobs as DPS.
And the cloak is an illusion.
Level bars aren’t moving along any faster than they normally would.

I generally hate when the phrase ‘bait and switch’ is used because it usually reeks of misunderstanding and/or entitlement, but it resonates with me here. Maybe that means in this case I’m now one of the entitled and/or ignorant ones, who knows. But this isn’t how Remix looked when it was being tested on the PTR. Blizz went in after that was over and messed things up without letting us see what was done until it launched.

I’m sure eventually the scaling at least will be addressed in a way that the game finally becomes playable again for max-level characters, but I’ve still had a lot of the wind taken out of my sails here. :pensive:

Finding out the xp buff is not only capped but doesn’t get shared has kinda damaged my interest in the event outside of the cosmetic stuff. I was planning to level some alts for races I don’t typically play for the heritage armors and such but uh…if it’s going to be a slog I’ll just do it in retail like normal.

Hell I’m not very inclined to hit max level on the character I started reading how badly the scaling was broken.

I empathize with most of you here that this event is not all what it was made out to be. Really frustrating. Now I’m wondering if the promise of transferring our 70s to retail is even going to happen.


Unfortunately, whether they take this negative feedback and do something about it or not, they got a lot of our money for at least a month. On top of that, advertising on their instagram that it’s free up to level 20 is a great way to show how powerful you can be because up to level 20 we be op as hell lol

The. Cloak not transferring over made this a one-toon event I guess. I was going to use it to level things that are more tedious in base retail, and if the whole event was just a mount and ugly transmog grind fest I already just want hit 70 and be done with this.

You almost beat FF14 at something finally, and then you screwed it up


Yeah well unfortunately, retail leveling as of this point is still faster. Seriously considering taking my monthly sub elsewhere and I say that lightly. I’ve never considered leaving until this point.

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Oh no, someone unsubbing because they are unhappy with having to play the game. Whatever will we do

This is important. We are currently on live at level 70 far more broken in Mop content than we will likely every be no matter how hard we farm our cloaks. It makes no sense what is going on in Remix.

They advertised directly giving a 400% exp cloak to a fresh alt.


So, I’ve been playing WoW since the beginning of MoP. I have quit and come back more than once. That said. After the last Blizzcon, I figured the ways of the past 10 + years were/are going to change… Then came Plunderstorm. I played it for the rep and rewards ( still don’t know why I did - getting ganked was fun!) then quit after hitting max. IT WAS NOT FUN. If I wanted to play Fortnite I’d get my teens to show me how. I PLAY WoW and I am hopeful … ReMix… Such a great idea, OP in Pandaria it’s going to be amazing. It turns out that I can do everything during that xpac except being OP. It feels like another pointless grind to fill 3 months time. I was looking forward to killing massive amounts of mops with HolyNova again and again. But I can do that better in Retail, turns out I can not in remix. Then there’s dragon-riding… guess I can do that in retail… so just grind bronze until I can get the cloak toy… But I have the REAL cloak that I did The Best Questline in the Game that was removed the second WoD launched So… I am confused why am I playing remix when the one reason I wanted to play it did not happen? I am literally waiting to see what the term “ACCOUNT WIDE EVERYTHING” means, because if it is handled the same way remix was I AM DONE!

Dear Blizz Make us all as powerful as those who killed the frogs with great gear and FIX remix, please. Because the term ‘bait and switch’ is 100%% accurate.