WOW Remix: Bait and Switch and Feedback to fix it

They already got your sub money (and the sub money of everyone else who returned for this).

I was already playing Dragonflight so this didn’t really affect me in that way but I do kind of feel sorry for anyone that resubbed based on the promises made. That’s why they have that forced arbitration clause now.


To me, the real bait and switch happens in the scaling near max level. Up until you start getting close to 70, the mode delivers on its fundamental promise of stomping around Pandaria as an OP demigod. Then the scaling takes a sharp turn and strips you of all that power until you sink your currency into upgrading gear, and God help you if you already spent your bronze buying mounts or transmogs.


The craziest part of it all to me, is that the event would have kept a relatively high retention rate as it was on PTR. They made all these changes, assumedly, to keep engagement high throughout the event when they didn’t need to. Some would come to collect the items and leave, but overall the majority would just play it because it was fun.

I said it with plunderstorm and I’ll say it again, while rewards are absolutely great for players and should be a thing, they need to trust the mode to stand on its own without making the grind the central focus of the event. And let me be clear: I don’t hate “grinds” and I have never and would never mind doing the work for my collections in the slightest, if they didn’t intentionally double or triple that grind by making absurd upgrade costs a requirement in order to survive and reliably enter group content on a level 70. What has me irked about it is not having to grind over several weeks so much as it is having to grind over several weeks to buy upgrades just so I can finally start grinding “remix endgame content” to buy the cosmetics I do want from this event.


I haven’t tried normal yet myself but lfr doesn’t seem to even drop purples anymore like it did last week thurs/fri. Maybe because I’m 70 now.

There was a frogger in my lfr with 2mil hp who did about 50% of the total damage done and I was 2nd with about 18%.

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I agree that leaving it like PTR would have given them better retention because a lot of people were planning to level up a bunch of alts in addition to farming for cosmetics. Now, some of those people won’t bother to do so.

I’m on the fence about alts atm. It may be useful to level up alts to get more bronze for rewards. And there are the class transmogs. So I may still do some, just not as many as I planned.

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I’ll be doing them because there’s no bronze amount quite like the zone campaigns and re-earning the achievements, but I was much more excited about doing most of my alt army in this event when looking at the PTR.

I don’t sub anything else than the 1 month recurring anymore. :frowning:

Yeah, I was thinking we’d get more bronze from doing the early stuff than trying to grind it at level 70. Can just split the cosmetics we want to buy amongst different characters. I got a late start due to computer issues so I’m still working on first one and will have a better idea of what I want to do by the end of the week. :slightly_smiling_face:

Nailed it 100 with leveling nerfed to protect boosts sales.

Jeeeez, that’s miserable…I can’t even do Heroics on my level 64 mage, I literally get one-shot by autoattacks :sweat_smile: Yet at 63 I was 2shotting elites and doing Heroics just fine! It was so jarring leveling up and mid-dungeon suddenly being so weak.

Maybe I have to upgrade my gear, but I don’t know if I want to spend bronze on that before 70.

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Just want to add:

This doesn’t respect player time at all.

  1. Retail season 4 might just be a retreading of Dragonflight, but there are still achievements I would like to complete. MoP remix demands way more grinding now.

  2. Scaling raid bosses to player item level at max level seems to be antithetical to the spirit of what MoP remix was marketed as.

  3. There is already a reasonable level of friction in regular game with M+ scaling, Heroic/Mythic raid content. Why add it to what was marketed as a fun way to blow up content and farm out some old school recolors?

I may not have put in as much time as other players in MoP, and I haven’t done any of the “farms” but just playing the game I feel like my power progression in Dragonflight season 4 is better than my first character in MoP remix… Roughly spending the same amount of time per character in game.

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Sharing some of the things I feel make me very much agree to this statement as well:

  • Even players who don’t do “true endgame content” in S4 probably had a list of things they wanted to do, like the achievements you mentioned. While remix helps with my alt army a little, there were some alts I already started and for story/gameplay reasons wish to still do in retail rather than speed-level in a day or so through remix, but they’re completely put on the backburner while I build an alt up high enough and then push raids enough to get the few cosmetics I did want (with the majority of the ones I for-sure wanted being the heirlooms, requiring a SoO run daily until I have about 22 bones).

  • Looking inside remix, there are problems with player time respect in the mode itself. Alt friendliness is literally at the lowest I would argue that it has ever been, including Vanilla (where you could at least send mail to yourself). You have to ask a trusted friend to help you get gems to your alts from your main, you cannot send rep tokens/items to alts even though your remix main is maxed on that rep, and even through Dragonflight’s upgrade system has a discount built into it for alts after your main reaches a certain ilvl (and this system can be seen in use on your main, when you get a new piece of gear and need to re-upgrade it) they did not give your alts the same discount. So, even though you’ve done the work and investments that they wanted on your main, if you want one or two more alts to help really make the grind a little easier you have to do the exact same amount of grinding as you did on your main to get there. This is a big one for me not just as an altoholic, but because the other half of Remix’s marketing was that it’s “for the alts”. Yes, they taglined it as OP and fun; but, they also sold it as a fast and fun way to grow your alt collection for TWW.

  • While this does not bother me personally, I do understand why some people are upset that one of their gear pieces is locked behind normal raids. I do think it would have been better if they put it on LFR originally, and then if they really wanted to use it to further incentivize pushing normal for all raids they could have added another cosmetic achievement for normal like the title for heroics.

  • On the topics of both jewelry and alt-friendliness of this mode, it wasn’t until fairly recently that you could even buy that jewelry on your alts. Originally, you had to do that grind for all of the pieces if you wanted the extra gem slots on an alt.

I’m sure there’s a lot more, but those are the ones that come immediately to my mind, personally. I’m mostly annoyed by the all-time low to alt-friendliness in this game for the last event before TWW’s (the expansion that they marketed to us during Blizzcon as being all about alt-friendliness and respecting the player behind the character’s time, rather than treating the character as a player) prepatch.

overall I agree that this whole event is a bait and switch. “experience MOP as you are super overpowered.” and all they have done is make a SOD CLASSIC MOP with limited features.

let people clear everything in a mass, make alts, and buy cosmetics and mounts. Still, no here we are being told to play it like classic mop played but with a hand tied behind our backs because normal WOW features are disabled which in the scope of the advertised makes sense, the way it’s presented and live doesn’t.