WOW Remix: Bait and Switch and Feedback to fix it

Hey Blizzard,

First let me talk about what I love about Remix.

  1. Reliving MOP in an interesting new way has been a blast. I’ve loved getting rewarded for content that has been obsolete and not worth doing. I missed this place. I want more remixes in the future.

  2. Elegon - just as cool as I remember doing it last time.

  3. Making all the cosmetics and mounts available for those willing to grind for them. Super dope move, I would love this for every old expansion at some point in the future.

Here’s the issues:

  1. The XP boost was a complete BAIT & SWITCH. Your first character felt barely faster than leveling in retail, and I’ve leveled 40+ max characters, so I know how to do it efficiently. There is no reason why the first character shouldn’t have felt much quicker.

  2. Threads of fate on your second character was also a bait and switch. This was advertised as being able to carry over your XP gains to your next toon, but between PTR and live there’s now a hard nerf where it reset to only carrying 100% bonus xp over to new toons. I have a memeber of guild that is on his 3rd toon, still reset down to 100%. What’s the point of that? This means that once you have done this once, you are hard locked to maybe slightly higher than double xp. Total miss, fun policing … BS. If marketing did this to shut down a too overpowered XP mechanic because they want to sell level boosts, it killed your whole game mode.

  3. The Scaling is bonkers … so even if I wanted to grind my main character that I got to 70 … it feels terrible to play. Went into NORMAL Terrace of the Endless Spring … got one shot by unavoidable boss mechanic. Went to Heroic dungeons … getting one shotted by mobs. What exactly am I supposed to do at 70 to gain more power so I can survive this? I’m running every single defensive tinker gem and as much vers as I can stack AND 25% leech … but not enough to stop one shots. WHY? The raids shouldn’t be impossible … i thought they we’re part of the point of the game mode?

I’m going to go play Diablo until this is fixed.


Yeah, no doubt that whatever happened between PTR and the live version of this event, it really led to a lot of disappointment. I was under the impression that EXP gains from your cloak would transfer 1-to-1 from your main to your alts, and maybe cap out at a certain point or something, but starting at only 100% and grappling with random thread drops is pretty frustrating.


They may be random, but they literally drop every two or three minutes.

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Not the point, the point is it was advertised as the full bonus you had already collected would carry over. Bait and Switch.


I fully expect a lot of the scaling issues to be addressed within before next week is out, at least. The XP gains are a lot more worrying to me. One of the most exciting ideas out of Remix was that we could carry over the progress from our main characters onto our alts, and rapidly accelerate the leveling experience as a reward for playing the event.

As it stands now, I’m worried that the appeal of the new gear and ability systems will wear off, MoP will become stale, and the XP rate won’t be high enough to justify leveling nearly as much as I initially wanted to.

In some cases I think it’s possible there are bugs: dungeons and LFR should reward something more substantial than they do now, surely. Are dungeons actually supposed to take this long? I expected to go up a few levels at least, but in my first dungeon I didn’t even level up once.

But the cloak not carrying over fully seems a little more deliberate, and it’s kind of insane. The replay potential of an alt speedleveling event before a big expansion is more than enough appeal to keep it going for three months. If they don’t adjust the numbers, then I don’t see myself or many others keeping our sub past the first month. This is after I planned on leveling tons of characters through the entire event period. How does that benefit them in any way?

If I’m being fully honest, I expect very small, incremental XP buffs that aren’t significant enough to matter until the last week or so. I want to be proven wrong and see some serious touchups soon.


Gonna be honest, I completely forgot paid boosts were a thing. Now this needless nerf makes total sense.


I just hit 42 and am going to put Remix down until this is fixed. I ran normal vaults since they decided to nerf LFR to the ground and felt like I was healing an M10. Im just so baffled they sold the PTR version of Remix and then released a totaly different version. I get the its a PTR argument, but Blizzard kind of sold that with the hype they adevertised. I just cant see farming a ton of bronze with the game the way it is now.


Agree 100%. The whole thing just feels like a way to boost numbers during the slow ‘before next expansion’ period. Such a disappointment.


Yeah, if it was just a matter of them inflating the XP rate for PTR, they could have communicated that from the beginning. They definitely coasted on the advertising of the event for speedleveling, and now every major content creator’s video on it is inaccurate. :confused:

Was Normal really that bad? I tried joining one as a mage and couldn’t find a group for the life of me. Maybe I’m better off waiting for it to get adjusted after all.


That’s how it worked on the PTR. Damage stats and Stamina shared on a ratio like today, but exp was wholly separate. It was a total standalone stat in the aspect that it was cumulative over your entire account. Unlike other stats like Stamina which you get a portion of from the base sharing and then each characters additional gains were independent of that (Stamina your alt gets doesn’t get fed back into every other characters cloak).

Exp added up always across all characters. If your main put 150 into the cloak and your first alt put 75 and your second alt put 125, your cloak would be 350% on all characters and it just kept adding up the more exp threads you got. This isn’t some simple mistake, the stat literally functioned differently, this is a conscious change.

Some of the better speedlevelers that did the PTR got multiple characters leveled up and had over 400% exp on the cloak account wide. Then they stealth nerfed it after PTR ended and still haven’t actually addressed it publicly. Bait and switch, thank you any excited resubs who just boosted their Q2 investor report numbers!


So, sadly the answer is yes. We we’re able to get MSV normal down fairly easily … some hiccups and some one shots but nothing raid breaking. The biggest issues is the level 70 characters deal the least damage … which makes absolutely no sense. The Meta’s don’t feel strong enough to compensate. You just feel hard nerfed. We had a lower level shadow priest doing 50% of the DPS for the whole raid.

So because the scaling is borked, I just was left wondering what the hell to do? So I tried to queue for a heroic dungeon thinking " i need more gear ". For context … i have upgarded all my gear to 346 and have every ability and tinker. I have a complete build, and put in all the ones that gave me a solo absorb. Then in that heroic … I’m getting out damaged by level 35 characters and dying to trash one shots. Being level 70 is literally a nerf … but then leveling new characters is also nerfed so i just log out.

Super dissapointed.


Lfr giving nothing
Dungeons are far too slow for what they do give

im only at 33 and im already bored out of my mind doing these quests


I’ve noticed this too. It feels pretty close to how leveling alts is nowadays where the game kind of just assumes you have a full set or most of a set of heirlooms and you steadily get weaker and weaker as you level with the lower level characters tripling your damage for no reason.

I wouldn’t mind this as much if leveling didn’t feel lame but it does. I’m getting bored and was very quickly starting to lose motivation to go farm out bronze for all these things.

I did a heroic at around level 35 and my whole party was comparable to that. That dungeon dragged on forever. Every boss was several minutes of just mashing your buttons not taking damage or being otherwise threatened by the boss at all. I just don’t feel powerful and actually like I’m getting LESS powerful the more I play. Its really dumb.


Yeah, the scaling is whack, there is a LOT of “damage sponging” going on, and, as usual, leveling up makes you weaker.

But the lowest blow to me, is that my alts aren’t getting the full benefit of the cloak.
It being hard capped at the Infinite Power 12 achievement sucks.

And the EXP%+ cap at 100 for alts sucks even harder.

So, not only I am not as OP as advertised, not even the cloak sharing powers are there.

I feel tricked and might just quit wow for good after this if no change is made soon (next maintenance better have some relevant fixes).

And I WILL work HARD to take as much people as I can with me if it comes to that since I hate this kind of false advertisement.


Heroics and scenarios are harder… by a lot… for max level characters than they where during MoP. Bosses live forever and nearly everything is a 1 shot for anyone not a tank. If the tank isn’t careful they will get destroyed as well.

With the crazy levels of stats and gem powers heroics should be super easy. Often some of the tinkers are amongst the biggest damage and healing sources. So we aren’t strong the borrowed and very passive powers are.


Time walking leveling is way faster than mope remix


yeah pretty much, it is faster leveling on retail in the timewalking dungeon finder than it is to just play and do w/e on mop remix


I got my warlock to 40 on remix and gave up. now I just log in for dailies, the leveling is way slower than retail.


I think that maybe the best way we could go about this is to try our best to create a united front in a single post about how unhappy the majority of us are about what appears to be a Bait and Switch.

I started this event with my entire guild who was all super stoked for all of this, yet there’s definitely a level of feeling like we all got a bit duped with this.

So I think one of the many topics on this issue needs to be consolidated and bumped into a main post/forum topic so we can actually express how upset a vast majority of us are about this.

I wanted to level a bunch of alts for this whole event because I’m switching from Horde to Alliance; but I can already feel how quick I’m going to get burned out if there isn’t that 1:1 experience bonus.

Honestly, it’s just that same old nonsensical “old” Blizzard mentality. The very same mentality that has screwed up, expansion, after expansion, with this business mentality that is chasing people off. And, last I checked, Blizzard was trying to put on a new face and try to collect some good will back. Buttttttt… This event didn’t need to be nerfed the way it was. It’s a bit senseless and tone-deaf.


I agree with you on all points, but this sign off was not the energy you think it is :joy: