WOW Remix: Bait and Switch and Feedback to fix it

beep borp fun detected must reduce levels of fun detected beep borp i am blizzard

The stats the cloak look WAY different than mine at 70. The big one being 100% exp vs 324%.

got em boys they even said it in the Announcement video… even shows 324% xp on a fresh toon.


Does this mean alts are entirely hard-capped at 100% xp bonus, or is it still viable to level alts up to 25 ~> farm raids for 300% experience bonus on each character?

If so, it might not be that bad. Although a scam and nowhere near as good as advertised.

You can get more exp bonus past 100% on an alt but it doesn’t save to the main or the next alt. Currently 100% is the cap for all new characters with a main that has the achievs.

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Just chiming in to express my disappointment with the xp limit. Bronze gain and horrible scaling. Looks like i am leaving this event rather early

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Just chiming in to say that I’m also quite disappointed with the live release vs what was on the PTR and in the promo videos Blizzard put out. Levelling isn’t noticeably faster than on Retail, and while the gems allow you to mix things up a bit, this definitely isn’t what I ws expecting.

I had planned to level up one toon to 70 and then spend the next few weeks levelling up alts to get Heritage and transmog items, as well as earn bronze for mounts etc. Instead, based on the way it’s going so far, I’ll probably just play my current toon to 60 or 70 and then go back to retail and wait to see if Blizz reverts any of their changes to the mode.

I had been referring to this event as “Pandamonium” with friends, again based on how it was being described by content creators and Blizzard, but so far it’s just Panda without the “monium”. We aren’t overpowered by any stretch of the imagination, we’re just powered the same as usual.

So yeah, Blizz took what could have been a fun, crazy romp through Pandaria and instead released what amounts to the usual leveling grind with an XP boost that doesn’t offer any significant benefit over doing the same in Retail.


If it was “very very good”, I would have heard long before some shill comment in the lower bowels of the internet known as the WoW Official Forums.

Let’s not get distracted by the important points of the post. You can watch literally any content creator and get their take on D4 season … they all love it. Anyone who plays it right now loves it. They fixed 80% of the issues with the game.

We need the WOW team to do the same and save timerunning.


:roll_eyes: And they all got paid to trick you into thinking they loved it pre-release as well. Except the game’s a bomb, which 99% of people understood 1month in.
If you don’t want to veer away from the OP, then have better off-topic talking points.


I’m going to address this point one last time. The introduction to the game mode said very clearly that while not ALL bonsues would carry from charactrer to character, that you would maintain the XP bonus. The video promoting it showed a character at over 300% xp gains.

With all your alts starting at a flat 100% this is mathematically almost impossible to happen. That’s the bait and switch. They showed it one way, demoed it that way on the PTR, and then without so much as a whisper released it not being that.

If you can’t understand that very simple concept of bait and switch you either missed the first part where they showed it working a certain way, or you are just shamelessly up blizz’s behind.

Look I love this game, and I love the idea of the game mode. I said it in the OP … I have wanted something like this for years and they had something so close on the PTR, just needed bug fixing and some smoothing of rough edges with scaling … but it GOT WORSE from PTR and less fun for no reason.


So far for me at least, it is NOT the fun OP ride that they seemed to have promised.

I’m just questing solo, so RNG is going to most likely not let me get even close to 100% xp bonus much less 300%.

…in b4 ‘go do raids and dungeons’ I’m a solo player so that’s not gonna happen. For me this event is really kinda meh.


The “just do dungeons/raids” people are ignoring how slow it is to level doing that… in the time they take doing raids someone who is good at leveling will be way ahead of them.

They really need to boost the rate of +xp thread drops from the caches. I’m at level 53 and still stuck at only 52%; haven’t seen one drop in like 5 levels now.



Super disappointing, and once you hit 70, game is basically over unless you want to farm bronze for tmog/mounts.


With the scaling issues, the XP bonuses not mapping over beyond 100%, and the gear upgrade costs, leveling up to 70 is pointless.

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That’s another thing people are never talking about. Everyone is mentioning the exp nerfs but the PTR also was WAY stronger for gems. Tinker gems were INSANE compared to now and Metas were also much stronger. Oblivion Sphere was absolutely bonkers


Bronze is also completely wack.

Ignoring the total to buy all the cosmetics, look at gear upgrading. Hit 70, get a full set of 346s, neat. Time to upgrade.

40k bronze for ONE ITEM RANK. x15 upgrade ranks to reach a point where you’re actually ‘overpowered’ and breezing through raids without fear of getting oneshot. 600,000 bronze on equipped gear.

Still salvageable, if bronze starts dropping like candy but that doesn’t happen. Here I was like a complete dumbass, expecting that xp at max level would convert into bronze. No, the obvious solution that has existed in retail since vanilla couldn’t be implemented here. Enjoy getting those 200 bronze caches and flying through air deposits for approximately 80 years of your life.

Nope. Not even worth focusing on a single character.


Was surprised how long it took for the Blizzard Brown Nose Brigade to show up and play apologist for their god awful decisions as usual


This would have been so easy to do right. Why in the world would the cloak XP to alts get nerfed. Why would the scaling be SO. BAD. This is pure insanity.

If you want to safeguard level boost sales, just cap the amount of timerunners you can make on an account. Don’t ruin the entire game mode.