WOW Remix: Bait and Switch and Feedback to fix it

Completely agree, the xp nerf was a big blue ball moment. the cloak being a 1 for 1 initially is what drew me and all my friends in


I too feel like it was bait and switch - which makes it likely I just write off the one-month of sub time I bought and move on again, rather than enjoy the game and end up buying TWW and sticking around for a bit.

As for fixes, since I only bought a month and feel like I was outright lied to rather than just running into a day one bug, they would need to make massive changes, including:

Scaling so that ALL characters including the first get MORE powerful and OP as they level to 70 - not less powerful.

Cloak XP continues to scale and copies fully to alts, and ALL game modes provide significant XP boosts to cloak.

Leveling is actually accelerated compared to retail, not slower.

Bronze acquisition is significantly faster and / or gear upgrades at 70 are significantly lowered (like what a crock with ‘look at all these items you can buy with bronze’ followed by scaling that requires upgrading all gear followed by absurd costs to upgrade that take all your bronze).


The issues pointed out here completely took the wind out of my sails. People were praising how this was on the PTR, why would you make it worse? Its like Torghast all over again.

Also PLEASE, for the love of god, get it through your skulls leveling up and getting weaker is the worst ever. Especially on a game mode that was supposed to be wacky and over powered fun.


Thanks for all the support … I woke up this morning and still feel the exact same way I did when I posted it. I feel duped and angry. I was genuinely so excited for this and it’s just a massive bummer. I really can’t understand the logic behind the Nerfs. I think this one owes us a serious reply and soon. I’ve peaked at other posts and people that grinded hard have felt similarly frustrated, justly.

The fixes are so simple too:

  1. Restore stacking cloak bonus and let the full bonus carry to alts. I could even understand if they wanted to hard cap it at a number like 350% or something … but let my alts start with the full bonus I grinded 12 hours for.

  2. Massively downtune the content or make 60+ characters way way way stronger.

  3. Change how level power scaling works … even if just for this game mode. We have 3 months … i want to enjoy this and had planned to grind and play tons of hours on this … but right now i’m just demoralized.


This is exactly why it’s so confusing. Some people are citing level boosts as the reason, but let’s be honest, virtually no one is spending the full cost of a new game to save (at a glacial pace, mind you) a day of effort on Retail at most. But TONS of people would absolutely keep their sub going through the entire event to level up an army of alts with huge XP carryovers. I was going to be one of them!

I don’t see how this benefits Blizzard at ALL. It’s really snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, because aside from the leveling and the scaling people really seem to be enjoying the event. :confused:


I feel the same way. I logged on this morning and thought I would work on Landfall to start unlocking the class set. Maybe that would keep me entertained until the scaling was fixed for raids / heroics. I did the first scenario with Voljin. I am level 50 with optimized gems / gear. I died 10 times. I ended up going back to my resto spec and just healing / whittling down the scenario bosses. It took 33 minutes according to my DBM. The scaling is completley broken. I remember these scenarios were mostly for RP and a total cake walk?


Holy crap, me too! I didn’t play when MoP was live initially, so I was asking myself, was I supposed to do this with a group? I died so many times until I figured out a way to do it.

I don’t recommend doing the Blood in the Snow scenario either, it’s 10x worse. The Ice Elemental basically freezes you for 15+ seconds and kills you while you are unable to move or use abilities. It took me like an hour to figure out a way to do it and was not worth it at all.

Well I am thinking instead of talking to the NPC to do them solo we can queue through the group finder to 3 man them. It just clicked with me that I did Blood and Snow earlier in a 3man to unlock my trinket.

Edit: I am wondering if the solo queue from the NPC is that way from retail, where you can solo these easily. They must have the group queue disabled when talking to the npc?

I got you. I also stopped to play this event because the scaling. Leveling 60-70 feels like a hardcore mode. Then i step into Throne of Thunder raid and the first boss just one shoted me because im lvl 70 and ofc the scale is awful


Good points. Hopefully they listen.


As I’ve said before, it’s an unfavorable comparison to Final Fantasy 8. The system in that game was similar, but it was also arguably a noob trap that was meant to emphasize the importance of the real progression system - junctioning magic. Leveling up and getting better gear is orders of magnitude less powerful than that.

“My unfounded expectations not being met” is not the same thing as “bait and switch.”

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You’re right… but giving us a fun experience in PTR then changing it for launch is the definition of a bait and switch :slight_smile:


This. 100% this.

PTR was never promised as the final experience. PTR exists, and always has existed, as a testing ground (for Blizzard, not for us) to tailor the final experience. It’s a beta, it’s a work in progress. Test realms are NEVER promised as the final experience.

Sure, and everyone in this thread understands that and respects it for Retail, classic etc. PTR Got praised for how fun it was and because of its praise the simple assumption that it would stay relatively the same, was a valid assumption.


Same. The fact I could level a bunch of alts and keep powering up the cloak sounded fun. Eventually getting to silly levels (like torghast and Diablo) but that is not even close to what we have.


I learned the hard way that scenarios can be a nightmare… sent me to solo blood and snow and I thought it would be ok befcause it was in MoP. Not fast but wth ill do it… LONG time to finish that one solo.

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Over on youtube… Mists of Pandaria Remix Developer Interivew With Brian Dowling, Ciji Bambrick… about 1 minute into that video the people that made this say they got the idea for it from Diablo 3. What we have is nothing Diablo 3… the way remix is now it would take weeks to get to feeling even slightly close to the power level you would in D3 pretty much in a day or two.

This was just a couple days ago. So either they flat out lied to us literally this week about remix or they really screwed something up on their end.


The real question does it rise to the degree of false advertising. As i do see in the post that they showed a cape of 324% XP.