WOW Remix: Bait and Switch and Feedback to fix it

Yeah, the xp nerf from the PTR just feels bad right now. It is accelerated, but not to a point that it makes it more fun as it still feels too slow. Considering how much grinding you have to do for the mounts and other cosmetics, just getting to 70 shouldn’t be such a chore.


The latest D4 season is very, very good. Leveling is very fast and you feel powerful even very early on, gear feels much better, leveling alts in D4 is extremely fast, the endgame’s a lot more playable now that there’s real content, etc.


The gear is better, too. I realised the other day that you can just replace a legendary power on an existing legendary instead of hunting for the perfect yellow.

In s4 I feel like you can just craft near perfect gear in every slot with a bit of work and resources. Combined with the itemisation changes I no longer hate sorting through gear

Being flooded with an uncontrollable amount of individual, albeit smaller threads is generally more effective than one singular, large thread. Yes, it’s not fun to wade through it all sometimes. But it’s more annoying to wrangle and diminish, plus it gets more eyes on the subject just by nature of being more in your face about it. If something is particularly “bad” for the playerbase or needs serious attention, the lasts thing we should want is to have all the little discussions that pop up get shut down and redirected to a “megathread” that everyone scrolls past like 99% of the other threads.


There was one person on the remix PTR who thought things were too fast for alts and I think that one person managed to ruin the game for everyone else even though there were dozens of people in that thread that were against his complaint.

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The way it works now it would probably be better if we didn’t have an experience bonus. Give you far more time to grind raids at a level where you are actually overpowered instead of 60+ where most content is a chore.

It’s one of those things that just whittles down my hopes for TWW and makes me question my own hype. It’s such an unfortunate sign when an event I was excited for instead makes me question if I even want to bother resubbing after my remaining week is up. I hope they address everything soon, but I’m not sold on their so-called commitment to improving communication seeing as the one comment we’ve had so far was in relation to a scaling fix…and didn’t even fix the problem.


so does gear not drop above 346 and our only option is the way over priced bronze upgrade system? i had fun 1-66 when it was what was advertised, unlimited power and feeling op.


Basically they copied Final Fantasy 8’s model but assumed gearing up would be anywhere near equivalent to junctioning magic, when it absolutely isn’t.

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FIX SCALING , every level i get im weaker …tanks getting 1 shoted is a joke.

ptr was fun , scaling was meh , but not that bad ! .

this event is supposed to be fun , feel op , gain skills from other classes (blink on warrior lol) , and farm some mounts/transmogs


Agreed. I was SO HYPED about this mode… Once I learned about the restrictions for xp, I turned the game off and haven’t logged in since. They completely sold the event as an endless buffet of xp for all your alts (as long as you were willing to buff your cloak). I was having SO MUCH FUN knowing that the prize at the end of the rainbow was a cloak with 500%+ xp for my other characters. I’m definitely a sad panda right now…


Yeah, I was really excited for this event. I love MoP, and most of the systems are fun, but I was really hoping to level a bunch of alts in a new way with crazy gear. I was really hoping this event would keep me busy till the end of June, but I logged in today, did a couple quests, then logged out. My subs up on Thursday, might be time for another break from wow.


I just wanted to focus on one character and have them get stronger and stronger and more fun to play.

All I’m hearing is that once you level up over 60… things become a slog and a chore.




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Total and complete BAIT N SWITCH.

Wtf blizz?

Why do you have to keep acting like such a soulless corporation purely out for engagement and re subs?

You just cant handle the thought of actually making your playerbase happy and sticking to your guns.

Constantly nerfing fun.

But in this case, this isnt just nerfing fun, its absolutely FALSE ADVERTISING, And outright LYING to players , with a total and complete bait and switch.

Im just gonna go ahead and quit after I get a couple sets for my paladin which I can already afford with the bronze I have , and go back to retail.

This is absolute bs. The main thing I was looking forward to was re-rolling a couple alts, and I just feel like i’ve been lied to and treated like all that matters is my engagement and sub. I got news for you, I would have played through to the end if I could have got what was promised from PTR, But now im gonna quit in the first week. What a joke from a joke of a liar company.


This, too. I wanted to test how much the (near)unlimited power was, how broken could I get my Evoker. But nah. This event should have been a fun romp, not a serious grind.


Leveling literally feels the same as retail. What an absolute joke of a bait n switch outright lie to our faces.

Typical soulless corporation behavior


Replying to follow. But agree about exp feeling slower than expected, and we did a Heroic Dungeon and the boss 1 shot the whole party so couldn’t even complete it.


Good to see that I’m not the only one that is disappointed with the false exp promises. Leveling up a resto druid in lfg has been… interesting. Some tanks are getting one shotted while others are soaking up more damage than they should be able to. Had a Blood DK struggle in a normal run but rolled through a heroic run in the same instance with zero trouble, they barely had their health bar dip through the entire run.

Seriously Blizz, give us what you promised or just give us all free boosts to use if we wish to or not. Blizz is constantly stating that they are wanting players to enjoy endgame content but then they pull this stunt, putting players on the exp treadmill like we’re all pet hamsters they get a kick out of watching run mindlessly.


I dont want free boosts, I just want what was advertised.