WoW Raiding vs FF14 Raiding

ah, so you know why the group is wiping but you can’t say anything about it. that’s not really much better.

On the final dungeon of ARR I was healing. Botched an elevator, was stuck in a cutscene because I was behind and missed a half a boss fight, did fine through the finish and walked out with 3 or 4 commendations :upside_down_face:

in Wow I am sure I would have been booted on the elevator and told to drown myself headfirst in a barrel of leaches.

lets be honest, though, the biggest reason is because there is punishment in one game for being a doof. Not because the players are nicer in either or.

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Going through these comments just proves one thing–these people want to be mean to others. They’ll cite them wiping and failing, but really it comes down to I want to hit you with a cudgel.

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To be fair, people doing savage and extreme trials are mostly static groups so they know each other well and don’t use as so but rather to help improve. With pugs, its just as bad as wow but people have more patience to stay for wipes and are more friendly, not all thought, you’ll still have bad apples who rage quit after a few wipes. But more people there are open to “learning parties” vs here where people just wanna down it first try or its a “bad group”.


“Tommy, you’re doing a 10th of the damage of everyone else, get it together”


FF, ladies and gentlemen.

Early EverCrack was still the best raiding.

I don’t disagree. But I think it’s a good thing that there’s a punishment. There should be consequences for you attacking players for no reason other than gameplay. We ain’t getting paid to do this, we’re here for fun and your goal is what?

I fully agree that the reason people are nice, is probably some artificial nicety because of the ban hammer, but I’m here to say good

72 man raids. Then 54. No vent.

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And we all had to be beastmode to survive!

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it’s interesting that the community is so different. here most people who should be in learning groups won’t consider joining them because their time is too valuable to wipe or learn when they just need the loot NOW

What do you mean a warrior can solo level up to 60? I’m so confused.

I said that in my Gchat in 2004 when a guildie was playing both WoW and EQ.


I was just a lowly Ranger friend.

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Cleric and Ench for me. I was on the Cleric the most though for reasons. Prexus.

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  1. BS
  2. You know, that I know, that everyone in the world knows. It is NEVER said that way in any form ever when in any mmo

FF14 is the same mediocre game that it has been for what, 10 years now? WoW being in the toilet doesn’t suddenly improve the experience of FF.

I was on Torv for most of my 7 years and in Aussie guilds, they were awesome.

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Doesn’t mean that’s not what is happening.

So much this. You couldn’t pay me. >.<

I’d respect them more if the outright banned it, but no, it’s a don’t ask, don’t tell policy. Bleah.

There is a youtube video with a wow dev who states that deterministic rewards are not “fun” because you can mark on the calendar when you will be able to purchase the reward.

Wow. So looking forward to a reward is deemed… not fun? :thinking: