WoW Raiding vs FF14 Raiding

Interesting video comparing WoW Raiding and FF14 Raiding…


I’m not watching a 30 minute video, but I’ve played both.

Does it touch on how their version of LFR is harder, but much more rewarding? The raiding over there is much more casual friendly for sure.


Two different games. What the heck do you expect?


Can you please add a tldr, at least? In my mind, post like these, just videos with no comment about them, are advertisements.


FF raiding is more accessible and much more rewarding than WoW. WoW raids are more fun in my opinion. They both have their pro and cons, but for a casual crowd, FF 14 is just a better experience.


Yes…he also says that Raids are always relevant…and you don’t waste your time grinding things that will be removed in a patch.

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FF14 raiding is harder because of a stacking debuff that makes you take increased damage for 2mins if you fail an avoidable mechanic. They also do unique mechanics wow players could never get their head around like savage omega duo. Both first and 2nd phase are BRUTAL even after an expansion.

And no the “but you can brez unlimitedly!” doesn’t help a lot. What happens with that is, someone dies, lack of DPS for a while, healer or caster spends 2500 mana to rez them(1/4 total mana bar), and the person gets a weakness debuff for 1-2mins of 25% reduced str/agi/int/ect.

Savage and extreme trials have DPS checks often that will wipe you easily and one person dead for any amount of time can be very bad.


FF14 raiding = No RNG, but punishing.
WoW raiding = RNG, but not as punishing.


If you are going to link something then at least link the original creators video and not some streamers opinion of an opinion.


The video title says “Why I quit Wow to raid…”

Someone tell me that he really quit WoW, because that would be awesome!


I wouldn’t even watch a 3 minute asmongold video.


Wow has more raid content, but buries that raid content under mandatory grinds that are unrelated to the raid.
FF14 has less raid content, but the gear progression is better and you have challenge modes that are as hard as mythic and the raiding is designed to be doable regardless of current tier (It’s as if timewalking worked like classic, where you had the same gear and power etc).

The idea of not having to do maw dailies is a really, really great selling point lol.


The boss tokens that you can collect to buy the boss drop that refused to drop for you is great.

We have a guy in our guild who basically went 7 months before getting a weapon drop.

If FF14, that would have been a few weeks tops.


Don’t care much about what random streamers think, but i do enjoy FFXIV raiding more than WoW raiding at this point for sure.

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Never been interested in wow raiding

Ffxiv just does something better at it, and it’s easier to approach when people don’t have oak trees up their butts


why does anyone care what a professional neck beard has to say about anything.

The dude is exactly who I expect plays the cat girls.


because according to the forums he’s a “Well renown streamer” who can make or break devs. Even though he can’t control his own army of 150k stans


so that’s like 300,000 very disappointed parents.

more like 300k fanatics that live and breathe Asmogold. Who might literally do anything for him. Even /spit on people on store mounts

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The FF14 store might be even more lucrative than the WoW one… What with level boosts, story skips, mounts, xmogs, etc… I think one of their mounts is $45?? Granted it holds 8 people, but it’s just more profit for FF14.

Surely, he’s going to start making really negative and harsh videos about the FF14 store… right? I mean, it’s only logical with how much he hates all over the WoW store.
