WoW Raiding vs FF14 Raiding

That’s what his takeaway was from the WoTLK gearing system. That the badge system was “destroying” the game because it was too deterministic.

Here is the video:

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I’ll partially disagree. This is obviously some of it, but I think the reputation the game has for getting rid of people who act like that also means some people who would be toxic simply stay away from the game altogether, and it attracts a friendlier, more patient crowd from the outset.

People know why they fail.

And you straight up get a debuff that tells you when you’ve died.

You have no idea what you’re even talking about. The whole point of the ban of dps meters is for casual content so that people unknown playing together aren’t flaming one another constantly.

You know, like in WoW.

Take a look at any video or stream of a player doing a savage/extreme trial with their own guild and they all have their meters running.

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This is my take away too. The group of WoW players apparently upset at the lack of support for addons for explicitly this reason seems to stem from, 'I want to be mean to someone if they aren’t playing at 100% efficiency."

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and do ff14 players actually care when they’re the ones that fail and cause the group to fail? or is it like here where they insist they’re doing everything perfectly and the boss is just overtuned?

we don’t know but we know that if you pull up a DPS chart and ask someone if they need help improving their DPS gets you banned for “harassment”

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right, i’m just curious how “not knowing whose bad dps is causing the group to fail” and “knowing whose bad dps is causing the group to fail but being unable to act on that knowledge” are functionally different

This seems to almost imply that people are like intentionally doing badly because they know they won’t be punished.

Which is also untrue. While I haven’t run into it much, there have been a few times I’ve been running 24 mans where people are just standing there not doing anything and they get kicked without fail and nobody is punished.

You guys who keep bringing up this supposed awful rule of, “Don’t be a d-bag to people in your random party finger groups” seem to just want to be d-bags to people on the regular and are upset you might actually be punished for doing so.

You’re inventing problems that don’t exist. Seemingly because you haven’t actually played the game and don’t know what you’re talking about.


No, you don’t lol.

You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about, stop speaking like you have any authority on this issue.

My main is a White Mage and I’ve repeatedly given advice to other, newbie, White Mages in parties when I’m playing something else and notice they’re not doing something (Like not cleansing dots, which is the most common one I see with new healers) and usually people are happy for the advice. Never been punished for it once.

Shockingly the only thing you can’t do is be a jerk about it. I know that seems to be your sticking point.


i haven’t seen anybody bring that up yet. i was talking about dps since somebody mentioned savage fights are tightly tuned.

And you don’t get punished in that scenario because people in that level of content understand that since Savage fights are very specific things that almost always are done with guild groups and even if you happen to chance into a random Savage group the assumption is that you know what you’re doing and if you don’t you will be removed.

You are upset over nothing.

i’m not upset at all. i was puzzled as to how it works. i did play ff14 but never got to the raiding stage, so i wasn’t sure how it worked. now i know. thanks!

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Then my apologies, I took the wrong implication from what you were responding to from the other guy.

I see this perception among a lot of only WoW players that FF14’s moderation system is like some brutal dictatorship punishing people on a whim.

It’s really not.

Just don’t be toxic to random other players and you’re fine.

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