WoW Raiding vs FF14 Raiding

This is the best part.


Gotta say as a causal player, FFXIV system sounds way better.

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I’d say so. The only thing FF14 really lacks compared to WoW is quantity of end game content, but that isn’t the only thing casual players focus on.

Only if the cosmetic stuff looks cool. And that’s my biggest problem with FFXIV. It’s the lame JRPG anima look to everything. It so off putting to me. I’m hoping I can power through it.

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Wish they’d go back to actually rewarding us with items we know we’re getting instead of stupid RNG mechanics out the wazoo.

Remember only a few months ago when everyone on the forum hated him because he was toxic and hated casuals? The same people who bashed him before now see him as a god.

how fast times can change on the WoW forum when there are narratives to be pushed…


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I’m not there yet but everything described so far sounds a lot more friendly to me than WoW does.

Every class is useful, no class is bad, top end raids always remain hard no simple clear and you’re done for mogs, hardest raids give cosmetic items only, players are a lot more forgiving, and gear is deterministic.

Again why does WoW not do this?

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No. The same people who were bashing him the are bashing him now. Like you and other strong blizzard supporters, for instance. Most of his “supporters” are very low post alts of somebody who doesn’t want their identity known as promoting another game here.

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all this talk about ff14 … imagine when an actual good MMO shows up :smiley:

wow needs to step up

I did watch some of a video last night by the guy who makes “worst mmo ever” videos on how the only wow killer will be wow. Lurid fascination.

If FFXIV had a western RPG artstyle, I’d have left WoW long ago.

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Wrong. If we could call out players I could name a dozen off the top of my head.

I don’t bash him. I actually sub to the guy on twitch. You will never see me rant about that guy. lol

You can stop making stuff up now.

because if you don’t pay attention, the FF14 fanbase is more passive aggressive than openly hostile. They become more hostile the second you bring up the negatives of FF14 (eg, cutthroat housing market, locking male Viera behind an expansion, or bringing up how the story isn’t up to par). Even Asmongold criticized the game he played for fans being overly passionate, but don’t take his word for it

folks don’t bother to criticize FF14 due to being flooded by said group.

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Final fantasy has 11-14 bosses per tier, I’m confused on how this is less raid content

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most of them are just Onyxia raids (aka, just a loot pinata with no trash bosses or anything)

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I’m not sure I agree with that assessment. There are plenty of very tight DPS checks in mythic. Like… DPS checks have been a staple of progression in this game since forever. If you were talking about heroic or normal, I’d be a bit more in agreement, but mythic? No… There are plenty of DPS checks, as well as loads of RNG insta-gib mechanics.

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As someone with a store mount or 2, the fact that people get upset about people that emote spit on them for using store mounts is pretty funny. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That… actually sounds really really nice tbh…

Casual friendly in the regard that you can queue so there isn’t the gatekeeping like in WoW and people are open to helping those that aren’t familiar with the content.

I can feel the sting of /spit on my face everytime. And it hurts everytime…