WoW Raiding vs FF14 Raiding


I’m totally not a cat girl white mage probably switch to dancer later.




Does it really take 30 minutes to explain this? I simply prefer 8-man over 20-man groups, I like having an end in sight to gearing, I like that their Mythic end-tier level fights are cosmetic only, and I like that I don’t have to commit to a single lockout for a week like Mythic.


The FFXIV store has a emotes, hairstyles, glamour (transmog), mounts, companions, music that can be played in game, costumes for your mount, housing items, face paint, special dyes for gear you can only get there, special wedding packages for in-game wedding events, character boosts, and the highest seller Fantasia, which lets you change your race/gender and some character options you can’t in-game. In general these things are cheaper than the WoW counterpart, but there is more of them.

People in FFXIV seem a lot more calm about the store than people in WoW. I don’t think there are any FFXIV streamers/youtubers that are super critical against it.

WoW raids and FFXIV raids are hard to compare really. They are structured very differently. FFXIV raids at the top end I would think is harder. They don’t offer the level of rewards that WoW raids do though so there is less incentive to participate. But FFXIV raids are way more accessible. They are broken into bite-sized chunks, they are all available via automated group finder, and the mechanics are usually easier to pick up without the need to watch a guide outside the game.

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Yeah, I was mostly just being satire since he’s so anti-cash shop when it comes to WoW.

If WoW ever added an emote to the cash shop… OOOOOOOOOF. The forums would be flooded with rage. I don’t get it, personally. But eh. The FF14 store honestly has some really interesting things on there lol.

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Are you comparing at the top level, because raiding is definitely punishing at mythic and even at heroic as well.

When the mouth breather beats Ultimate, let me know.

And even then, I couldn’t give a rats furry butt what he does.

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And yet he chose one of the least popular races (next to Roe’s) as his character simply due to “I look badass”.

Most of the posts in this thread contradict each other. Are the raids in FFXIV more causal friendly, IE easier, or more difficult than WoW’s raids? Even more difficult than mythic raids?

Both. Raids in 14 are all queueable, therefore easily accessible. When a new raid comes out (be it 8 man normal, or 24 man), you can hop into them if you have the quest completed.

As for the savage raids… I’ve only done the current savage tier and it’s a lot of remembering mechanics/trying not to screw up due to some tight, yet forgiving, enrage timers. I guess the only way to compare would be try to do the Mythic without DBM or anything, but I think some people even created a program on there now for it to kinda cheese it.

Party Finder on 14 is a simple “make group, click join”. You can set item level/jobs if you want, but it doesn’t give the screen of WoW where you can accept/deny as you see fit. Most people just set a “3 Wipes and disband” mindset if the group isn’t working and then just reform instantly on party finder again.

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lol a video advertisement without any comment, and it’s an asmonpoop video. double negative

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that’s…a bit disturbing. So it’s the same problem of folks looking for a carry because of bad mechanics

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It’s a different kind of punishing for high end in each game. FF14 fights are scripted, but have tight DPS checks and most things you must dodge will kill you if you fail. WoW boss fights tend to have more RNG oriented with the mechanics and tend to be less scripted. The punishment in WoW comes from managing the fight over all rather than hitting specific checks it that makes sense.

It harder to carry someone in that game because of the lack of available slots for people. Not impossible mind you but a lot harder because everyone has to know the mechanics. There are a ton of mechanics that require everyone to participate or you’ll probably wipe.

Well, yes and no. If you get someone not pulling their weight, you can instantly boot them and re-list. A simple block will suffice to keep them out of your group. It’s more people are willing to give people a go when attempting Extremes instead of Decline x 18 times in a row.

I’m going to have to give this thread a 10/10 for flamebait, extra credit for the asmongold video, OP!

I personally think one of the issues with wow is that a mistake too often results not only in the wrong player’s death, but leaves the one who committed the mistake unaware it was their fault.

I watched it over lunch.

TLDR: FF14 Raiding has more deterministic gearing akin to Wrath of the Lich King, but with improvements. Fewer Raid encounters, but each encounter lasts significantly longer than the average WoW raid encounter and has much more focus on personal responsibility in the encounter overall.

It also has ultimate item level synchronized Challenge Mode raids (Ultimates) that are kept perpetually at a challenging level due to the way FF14’s overall game mechanics function that reward prestigious appearances, titles, and mounts.

These Ultimate raid encounters reward things akin to the Immortal Title from WoW, or the Black Proto-Drake, or Tribute to Insanity, etc. etc. However, due to FF14’s in-built level synch and scaling systems these encounters, from the very first, are still in the game and still have the same difficulty level as when they were first introduced. Which means no FOMO(fear of missing out). Yet, having them, even years after release, is still a tribute to your individual skill as they cannot be achieved by simply over-gearing the encounters.

Gearing can be done via any end-game activity with almost no RNG, and what does have RNG has built in protection systems that guarantee you will get what you want after sufficient time has elapsed and enough effort has been put in.

Additionally, your gear drops can be for the spec/class (job) you completed the encounter with, or for any other job you want. So you can gear up an alternate class at will.


Yeah, I really wish we went back to the currency vendor items like 14 has. It’s honestly my favorite part of gearing on there, outside of making my own gear. Not sure why they ever branched away from it on WoW tbh.

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Devs here have a difference idea of what it means to earn something than there.

WoW is harder at the top end, but FF14 is harder at the bottom end.

Before anyone tries to state FF14 is harder, all one has to do is look at how long it takes to clear the top end content. FF14 clears their top content faster than what are basically professional world first guilds in WoW, so it’s a no brainer on which one is harder.

However, FF14’s version of LFR is basically like queueing into normal, but getting heroic gear for it. So the casual side is harder, but much more rewarding.


Let me put on my tin foil hat…ok it’s on. I’m guessing the RNG aspects of WoW potentially can keep players playing longer. Time played metric fulfilled better.