Wow Raiding Culture is Toxic and not Rewarding

I love Raider IO and i love pushing myself to see how high of a score i can get. Esp now that Tf is gone and loot is capped at 15 its nice to have a system that makes you continue to want to strive to become better and get higher lvl keys in than just doing 15s for max end of dung loot

raider IO did nothing wrong

Eh just doing join them and start your own. I just found out about this addon and see it as a filter.

I personally didn’t even know about it until days ago and I was doing m19 in bfa. Not that it’s some crazy elite status but it was challenging enough for me

I bet he’s a high rated PvP guy, but is super nice and always takes anyone with him into arenas.

I saw how much a surgeon makes, so I walked into a Hospital and would you believe they said I needed to go to school for it and had the nerve to ask me to show them my certifications??


Pugs aren’t a community.


Did you show you can do it? Put him on the table and give the surgeon a lipotomy? I would put that a certifications.

That’s like saying employers shouldn’t look at qualifications and should employ any self-claimed-skilled-individual


I mean, I agree but before that people used to line up at the Org bank for inspection before invites went out.

Might be a social problem more than the videogame.




You can be high ilvl, a god tier pvper, but if your io says you have little to no
Experience in the expansions keys, there is no reason to take you over somebody with experience.

Bro wtf are you even going on about?

It’s so hard to tell which is bait and which is a legit meltdown.


Simple comparison. Check the wow raiding system and watch how players act and treat each other.

Then play FF14 and check there raiding and group finder system and watch how players treat each other. Its crazy how different the two are.

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Stop pugging and raid with a guild.

They are driven by a fear of being banned. That’s not niceness, it’s a hostage situation.

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Yet I have never had anyone be rude to me during raiding on that game. I have had no toxic arguement during a boss fight and most players once they see you are new are willing to teach and explain stuff to you.

Wow they ignore everything and everyone tells you to git gud or just wants to vote kick people the moment any player makes one simple mistake.

I wish wow would ban players for how they act but they never will cause they would lose 70% of there player base.


WoW has always been toxic but ilvl and iO has spoiled/entitled some party hosts. Just host your own.

Not worth wasting time with people who are so bad they are asking for 190 min ilvl and io score checks for mythics 5+ when you could do it at much lower ilvl too.

And yeah someone mentioned 75th percentile of 170-180 ilvl will get outdps’d by 25th percentile of 200? Total bs. Maybe in sims when they’re literally infallible but I was outdpsing people with 200 ilvl at mythics with ilvl 175 and not just specific scenarios; it’s every encounter. ILVL doesn’t replace skill and mechanics. There’s people facerolling after buying 200ilvl, performing worse than people with 170 ilvl and are basically forcing the meta of minimum ilvl requirements for easy mythics to be much higher than it should be.

THis isn’t a problem for most of us here but it’s a problem for a lot of newer players and more casual players. The same die hard fans praising how this was one of the higher volume density of subscription for expansion release are the same ones basically pushing those same subscribers out of the game. So definitely raiding culture is toxic af.

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I came to this thread thinking it was about “Raiding” or “Raiding Culture”.

I’m not going to say git Gud. But, people use ilvl and io to determine if you will pull your weight.

Let’s say I have 2 dps, both hunters. Now knowing nothing of hunter I see one is 196 ilvl and one is 176ilvl. Which would you pick?

Me: the 196 ilvl hunter cause it’s the best option I have before looking at io or parses. Maybe if I didnt care about anything I would just click the first people to request to join, but most people want fast and clean runs.

I know this is over said but making your own group is the best way to go in most cases.

Raiding is another thing cause you add parses into the mix. Now that is about skill, somewhat.

That might be some insight into why OP seems to be getting rejected so much. They dont even comprehend the content they are doing.

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Not trying to be antagonistic but did you reply to the wrong person or did you not even read my comment past the first sentence? Bad players/whalers who buy 200+ mythic gear/pvp rating/nathria raids and show up to low-mid level mythics are inflating minimum ilvl scores up so newer players can’t really play or make an easy entrance to doing mythics. Obviously there are other ways to make it easier for you (like joining a guild) but doing things on other people’s times is not an option for a lot of players.

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yes, but if that’s true then you’re not the average player. all else being equal, the average player at 200 ilvl is doing better dps than the average player at 175 ilvl.