Wow Raiding Culture is Toxic and not Rewarding

Do you mean “pugging” culture? Raid progression is still pretty much happening in guild raids.


I’ve been doing mythics with my husband and inviting whoever. We arent very experienced, but we are learning as we go. Just make your own group.

Luckily im in a raiding guild that is really helpful and accepting of different skill level. The aim is to progress ourselves not in a competition sense where you are constantly feeling on edge of losing your spot.Maybe you need to look around a bit or initiate the content you wanna do yourself.

Anyone who says this plays like 3 games tops.


I was, but then the group leader was right to do it.

Pugging always has and always will suck. If you want to do group content with a more relaxed atmosphere then find a guild that is a good fit. If you insist on pugging then you have to deal with the anti-social elitist nut jobs.

Nah , raiding ain’t toxic . Yes there are toxic groups but they do not represent the entire raiding culture.

Got into a Xmas raid today for Sire , in 40 minutes we done - M xmas and bye .

If you’re applying as a dps there’s something you need to understand. Most people by instinct apply for a key when it already has 1 tank, 1 healer, and 2 dps. Makes sense right? Less time waiting and all that. The problem is you are Never going to be the only dps that applies. You’re not being “blacklisted” its just that there’s 20 other dps applying for that spot and if you have a much lower ilevel and/or RIO score then you’re probably not going to get picked.

Does this mean that you’re simply doomed to not do keys this expansion? No, not at all. If you have friends and guildies who enjoy doing keys then just do keys with them. If you don’t then simply start making groups using your own key and push that. And when you’re pushing your own key, keep an eye out for skilled players that aren’t toxic (insert expletive here)s. Ask those players if you can add them to Battlenet so you can play with them in the future.

TLDR. If you play with friends or pug using your own key then you can safely forget RIO exists.

Difficult content require people with high skill. or everyone’s time would be wasted.

When requiring high skill, there must be a metric to identify those with high skill against posers.

All the methods that you list, are tools designed to identify those with legit high skill against posers.

None of such tools are perfect. some skilled player are left behind due to shortcoming of the system.

The system needs to be improved. not removed.

Raider IO really needs to cooperate with WowLogs and checkpvp and on mouse over, display a player’s combined worth:

Highest RIO Score
Highest Parses Percentile
Highest PVP current rating.

Honestly seeing these forums posts and OP being attacked is the reason why raiderio is despised.

flawed human beings attacking flawed humans beings.

Me hAvE bIggEr BrAiN tHan YoU.


You mean the op isn’t being attacked because he’s spouting a bunch of factually incorrect information?


Well, I hate to be the type of guy… But some general wisdom would be important for this Christmas day and New Year’s resolution.

“Let no man pull you so low as to hate him.”- Martin Luther King Jr

Play a tank :wink:
They’re in demand regardless of you ilvl and you can be picky about the group you join

Dps you gotta do everything you can to stand out from the pack unless your with guild or friends because there’s 10x as many dps applying as tanks and healers if not more


Loot scarcity is only going to make players lash out at one another more too.

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Toxicity doesn’t develop from some unknown force. People create it and blizz allows it. Until something is done from blizzes end to combat it, it will forever run rampant.


Agreed, they did something about it in Overwatch before it got out of hand and the community was infinitely better for it in my experience. That means they know how to combat it in WoW based on how they’ve done it successfully in other games, but they just choose not to. We could really use a better reporting system like Overwatch has, but honestly I don’t even feel like the WoW GMs even care about bad player behavior anymore or have the time/energy to care about it because they have so many other things to do.


I mean if you gear through pvp content you aren’t serious about pve.

The stats don’t line up, or indicate you know how the expansions various mechanics work. When I invite someone to a sanguine tyrannical +10 - I need them to understand the details baby.

Most people do not think this. But when you are looking at a list of people applying to your group and making decisions on who to bring you can’t tell who has skill or not. So you choose based on the info you have, which is gear, achievements, or past experience (which is what is).

Personally I also judge people on their name as well, but that’s just me.

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People like you are a dime per dozen. You’re nothing special nor do you stand out on any metric.

The reason RiO exists is to objectively assign a number to the hundreds of people who are just like you so that group leaders can select someone they deem fit. It’s nothing personal. You’re just not special.


This is the opposite of reality. ML was eliminated as a direct result of the toxic raiding culture. This is a single for instance example.

How many posts have there been about “casuals don’t need gear like raiders do”. Another example.

Only the m+ community can compete with raiders for toxic behavior.

Anyone who has ever been part of the raiding scene knows the drama, politics, nepotism, etc etc.

At least with pl your loot can’t be stolen or extorted from you.


I have said similar things in the past. WoW is fun, but the community is not. If they put the time into the world instead of group play, this game would be tremendously better. Keep dungeons simple and the raid boss be the biggest challenge again and I would be extremely happy :slight_smile: