Wow Raiding Culture is Toxic and not Rewarding

Raider IO, gear score, Ilvl

ruined world of warcraft.

stupid people think Ilvl directly correlates to player skill.

raider IO completely locks good players behind an arbitrary number… I PVP and gear through PVP content, ilvl201 Raider IO score to low… never invited to groups.

then theres the “blacklist” culture… imagine a hunter misdirects enemies on to your healer literally every pull killing your healer… is that your healers fault… imagine its a greivous week and all your melee dps are entirely incapable of doing mechanics and are taking a legitimately unhealable amount of damage… is that the healers fault.

honestly Wow isnt fun enough to tolerate the community


Merry Christmas you absolute degenerates


Start your own M0 run. Pick who you want. Get a M+ Key. Repeat process. No RIO needed.


The problem that these are trying to solve is “how do I know if a complete stranger is going to be able to pull their weight?” If you’ve played with someone before you’ll have a general idea of how good/bad they are. If you haven’t played with them though, you can’t use personal experience to judge.

That’s where the rest of the metrics come in. RIO is basically an automated way of asking how skilled someone is. People care about ilvl because, all else equal, the better geared player will perform better. They’re not perfect systems but they’re ways of reducing the risk that a stranger will tank your run and waste your time.


youre exactly the kind of player id rather not have in my m+s , guess it works :wink:


Item level matters in many cases.

Even if you are a 75th percentile player with an character who has an ilvl between 176 and 178, you’re almost always doing less than a 25th percentile player with a character who has an ilvl between 200 and 202, for example.

Please see:

Note that the differences may be overstated because players who have characters with item level 200+ at this moment are probably very skilled, or at least very invested in those characters.

Raider IO doesn’t directly correlate to skill but it does generally show you the applicant’s level of experience with the dungeons they’ve signed up for, which reduces the chances of them being a complete noodle.

They’re usually still a complete noodle, granted.

The best thing you can do is run with a group of friends. Pugging is the worst. lol


Only bad players complain about RaiderIO.


But other people are toxic?

They are not arbitrary. They are generated based on your current completed M+.

So you don’t have experience but want people to take you anyways?

This has nothing to do with black listing…

I have a feeling you failed as a healer a couple times.


For them, playing math IS the game. Well, I should say playing arithmetic, as it’s no more than that. I say let 'em.

I also believe there should be solo content that pushes the envelope and gives rewards equal to that given to groups. If it takes around 120 apm to beat a boss, that’s what it takes, whether your key mashing has any relationship to other players or not. And I don’t mean soloing stuff that was designed for a group, because the prizes for that (not counting farming) are typically less than what you desire.


You don’t have the credentials to show you know what you’re doing and get declined? The humanity.

People want proof that this isn’t your first rodeo, or at the very least that you’ve been on a bull before. The same way I ask to see ASE certs before I let someone do something more involved than an oil change on my car.


Just overheel by any means necessary

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People don’t want their time wasted. Who knew?

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I don’t necessarily disagree with some (though not all) of your statements, but I just found this somewhat ironic. And what other way do you propose that people can know if you have experience with the content and key level?

If you don’t ever want to have to deal with Raider io then might I suggest that you find a group of friends and/or guildies to run keys with, and for the love of all that’s holy, stop pugging? Especially as a healer, save yourself that headache. There are plenty of groups out there that would love to run with a steady healer.


Its always been kind of toxic. Its basically a second job, without the pay.


It took me between 10 and 20 NW runs to upgrade my io from a ten to a twelve.

Even moderately high up players fail at NW. Such a waste of time. Finally, I get a very high io group, and we easily time the 12. No complaining about my route, how I tank, or any other nonsense. Just a professional focused group that out skills the dungeon.

R io is a God send.

In this case, not only did io help me, but now it also shows that there is a good chance I have more experience than the average player in that dungeon, because I do, and that I am likely not to fail ez mechanics.


Protip: You can’t be declined from your own groups.


i love raiding and is the only reason i play WoW.

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They don’t, that’s quite literally why raider io exist.

It’s not arbitrary, like someone already said. It’s like not taking a low rank pvp player to a high rank arena.


WoW raiding culture - talking specifically about players focused on the raid as their primary content - is by definition the least toxic part of the playerbase because everything in a good raid team is about the team, and having to coordinate and choreograph the fights, etc. etc.

PvP is individualistic, competitive and well, nasty… raider io, the timer, spec imbalance, etc. makes mythic+ really bad for a lot of players, etc. Raiding is the most cooperative thing we do in the game.


To much versa in your gear. Wouldn’t want you in a high key with the wrong stats and with your attitude +lack of an IO I doubt you have the proper experience for decent keys anyway.