WoW players average AGE

Woot looks like I win I am older then all those that posted so far as I can see…64 yrs old and a Grandma too…


I am 39. Started when I was 21.

Older than 40 .

But not O L D.


Ah be 14.2 Stone

I tell my G.F. that “I’m gonna log on and kill $#!+”, especially when irritated by the state of our world today :upside_down_face: :melting_face:

Dailies, WQ’s then on to EBG’s. To be honest, I have not logged on since last week.


If I were 3 years older I would be twice your age so I guess you would say I’m in the ‘older wow audience’. I’m in a laid back guild, we cleared normal and are working our way through heroic Sepulcher, got KSM all 3 seasons this xpac.

Now I must ask, what do you youngsters like to do in wow?

I am 38 this year, playing since Vanilla. Last 5 or so years I have had to back off raiding a bit, so I mainly go for AOTC and a few mythic kills vs CE. Many more alts nowadays than before, but I still cannot get into pet battles! After all these years, and farming old achieves/transmogs and exploring around when bored… I just cant bring myself to pet battle.

Maybe one year!

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Until a month or so ago not much to be honest.
Work on garison, getting some reputations that make sense (got the shatered sun for my new blood elf as I did not put my feet in that island for a long and long time).
But now, got a few new friends and I am starting to push some keys with my dk.
Looking good.

BTW I would love have all the nice ppl here as a friend on my list so I will leave my ID here and hopeful make new friends.


23 here lol been playing wow since bfa

Timeless, ageless, voiceless, and faceless…

Shy of 40!


How many of yall opened another tab to google it…? Dont lie now!!:smile_cat::smile_cat:


53 here, and my sons that play are 20 and 19 :slight_smile:

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26, have played since 2010.

22 here, and played since I was 9 back in 2009

Sounds kind of windy…

Look just a bit further up…

I read it was 28 years old now

(I am 67) does your mouse use a walker?

I’m 26. Started in TBC with my cousin.

FIrst started playing when I was 13.

I just turned 30 yesterday.
What am I doin

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38 this year

I’m thirty-three, and yet I act between three and thirteen at the best of times…