WoW players average AGE

This would have been great to see. Today is my 40th birthday, and though I went to see a couple of lesser known musicians before, the concert I consider my first was Ozzfest 2000 (at the Cincinnati stop) with a few friends.


More wispy :wink:

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Happy birthday!!

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I am retired.

I have 33, almost 34

I’m 33 and my wife is 30. Our 8 year old daughter just started playing too.

Woof! :dog::paw_prints:

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I’m 35, debating when to let my kids try the game. My oldest is 10 but it’s my middle son that I think would be most interested.

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Not quite the same thing but for me time stopped around 2014- I have almost no recollection of almost anything in my life other than snippets of 2017 and 2019 and only really started existing again in mid 2021. The fact that this coincides with when I was working full time in a factory fills me with slight dread that I almost lost a decade of my life to a haze of work limbo… I can only imagine how you must feel, but I hope your life is a good one from here on!


I will not disclose my age because a lot of folks seem to misunderstand what a boomer is, but I’ve been playing since I was 37.

Per this article the average age 31.90 years old… personally I help raise that number significantly.


42 casual non raider at this point.

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I have been playing since vanilla and I just hit 73 years of age!


old timer here. Started I believe feb 2005

I’m almost old enough to vote in Ceres years.

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under 9000

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I’m in this range. The 40+ part haha

According to google its… The average age of World of Warcraft players is 31.29 years

But i find that hard to believe with all the loot drama and people kicking others from groups

I’m 32yo this year! Did start to play WoW 2005. So I’m pretty much a gaming boomer (at least if you ask gen Z) :sweat_smile: