WoW players average AGE

Is man-child or man-baby an age? Lot’s of those.

Unfortunately no, I believe there are medical terms for that type of behavior though. :wink:

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Its funny how sometimes we even “miss” those beatings right?! Nostalgia is a powerful thing.
When I am around my parents we always have some good laughts remembering the most “remarkable” ones.

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Dated by the use of the word…“nifty”!

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I remember waiting a whole week for the next episode of Dungeons & Dragons the animated series.



Chernobyl exploded a year before I was born.

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Just turned 30 this year! Have played max level in every expac to date, except for Vanilla. TBC dropped when I was somewhere around the 30-40 level range.

I suppose 30 would be considered an old dog age these days, too! :smiling_face_with_tear:

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you must now stop aging hehe haha hgooh you reached maximum age perfect age hehehahaha…

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I used to say “WAAAAAAZZZZZUUUUUUPPPPPPPPP” all the time with my friends and memes did not exist.


Hey hey hey…

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This one is level 47.

That is some origin story.

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One of my favorite songs ever.

32 here

what does the older wow audience like to do in game?

  1. It took all the energy I have left today to type this.

falls into a pre-senior citizen coma


I’ll be 34 this year and I feel so disgustingly old it’s like life has already ended. I hope to be finding an assisted living facility to move into sometime next year.