WoW players average AGE

I’m 33 and have been playing since the beginning at age 16. I would say the average age is around the 30s or so.

38 here; feeling 83 half the time, but mentally I’m 5, no shame.

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I’m 55. My daughters that play are 20 and 19.

  1. Played since tbc

Legendary… and may I also say, awesome.

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My first concert had opening acts of the Flying Burrito Brothers with BB King and headlined the Doors. So long ago that the venue no longer exists.


I was born when Led Zepplin was still together. (still better than Greta Van Fleet)

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Somewhere with in my answer is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. Also, I know of a great restaurant.

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I’m 27.

Viking Santa here is much, much older though.


5 and a half years old.

  1. :baby_chick:
    Elune keeps telling me that I am much older than that – but that’s not true :innocent:

My dad said you’re using a grooming technique. Not sure what that means but stay away.

My oldest character is 12.

But me, I was born 10 years before Hawaii became a state. (72)
My youngest, son, plays WoW and is 34.


27 :clap:t2: The tail end of millennials. Enough to where I can’t really relate to elder millennials or Gen Z.

Hearing Sweet Child of Mine in the grocery store is nifty…

I also remember when my teacher rolled in a Massive 19" tv so that my 5th grade class could see the 1st space shuttle launch.:wink:


Its just a couple of bad kids, most of the posters are well behaved.

Some of the children who post here need their parents to tell them to go outside, and stay out until the street lights come on. At that point they have 5 minutes to be inside before…
/loosens belt

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Damn, that gave me a lot of memories.

36 years 11 months 5 days 6 hours 40 seconds old.

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I learned fast how to gauge the sunset back then. It was all about me and my Mongoose! so FAST!!!

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