WoW players average AGE

I started playing wow around 10ish give or take and I believe it was TBC.

37 my friends and a proud gamer dad :wink:


Old enough to have seen Nirvana live. I had tickets to see the Violet Femmes, but I fell the day before and split my nose to the bone, so had to give my ticket away. :sob:


Damn it Shreds, lol! Now that song is stuck in my head! :rofl:

I’ll be 42 in several days. I don’t accept it though.


Must have been amazing.

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Just turned 61, old enough to see Alice Cooper, Ozzie and Santana live. Got to live the original hippie lifestyle. And survived 2 direct hit tornadoes Topeka in 66 and Colorado in 2008.


The average age of a World of Warcraft player is 31.90 years old

Data pasted from Levvvel.

I started WoW in Dec 2004 @ 49 years old.

I remember watching JFK rolling through Dallas on that one fateful day, and was glued to the screen with my parents during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Seems like that was someone else in a galaxy far far away…


Very nice.

i am 7000 years old. every 100 years i lure a draenei to my soulwell and devour their soul. it helps me stay young.


I turn 30 in November. Have been playing since I was 15.

34 here.


I think its likely older than the average mmo, but plenty of young folks still check it out. I’d take a random guess and say 27-30. I’m 35.

34 next month

I am now 69 years old.


Age is the least interesting stat. Weight is a much more telling and useful stat.
I’m 69 kilos.

37 this year :slight_smile:

My bones just creaked.

I saw the original Lynyrd Skynyrd band in NJ 1976, one of the few concerts I can remember.


50 and my 52 yo brother also plays

Started playing games on the Atari 2600 and at the arcade. Where has the time gone? :laughing:

I think avg age is somewhere in late 30s to early 40s range, just a guess.

Happy gaming everyone!

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Too old, yet somehow not old enough.

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