WoW players average AGE

I am 20 myself but almost everyone I’ve met in this game is 27+ and usually has kids.

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35 here. Definitely don’t play as much as I used too but still enjoying the game.

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I actually can’t wait for this :joy:

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almost shared meme that had jump scare profanities hehe

I remember those days of legend back when Noid roamed the pizza wastelands.

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50 and this is the only game that I bother with anymore.
After all these years, nothing in a game excites me.


When I was a kid, there were three tv networks plus PBS. No microwaves, no internet, music was analog. Every kid on the block (yeah, we had city blocks) would hang out outside looking for something to do. We’d usually grab a football or baseball and play a game depending on how many where there. You never saw a fat kid because we were on our feet all day long. If we came in to get a snack or a drink, our moms would send us back outside.

It’s very much a different world these days.

Oh, and I worked as a cook at Pizza Hut back when the pizza was really good. Because we made it from scratch.


It kinda hurts when the things you had growing up are now considered “retro” or can make you millions if you had just left it in the box.

so true lol

Yep and no air conditioners.
You had a box fan in your window and suffered through the summers.
All your windows were open all summer long, if it was 100 outside, it was 100 INSIDE.


that and diel up internet
but the box fans did help but if it was a dry wind summer the fans sucked it the house


Lol, I remember when I thought 35-40 was old …


My grandma would sit at the window next to the fan and watch the traffic go by. Even when it was 100, grandma would still make Sunday dinner for the whole family.

Because my dad’s sisters and brothers and all their kids would all go to grandma’s every Sunday. She had 13 grandkids and eight adults in a three room brick house. With no AC.


That would be my guess. Well, the 35 - 40 bit. Adding a + on the end means your range goes up infinitely.

Why are you yelling at me? I’m 36.

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Judging by a typical day in the GD forums, 14.

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75yo but around 17yo mentally.


55 here but I would say average age would be around 30-35


physically 48, mentally, 4. lol


And some of em had those awesome pizza bars in em too.

Anyone else remember Arby’s that had the build your own sandwich bars as well?

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Those were a distant memory when Arby’s finally arrived in my neck of the woods.