WoW players average AGE

I am not the oldest one to reply, but I am old. I’ve always said old enough to be your mother, but these days, I could be your grandmother. :rofl:


That sucks . I honestly wish they would bring something like that back. After all there are some KFCs that still do that style.

Kinda reminds of of when a bunch of us were ready and looking forward to going to Chuck E. Cheese’s for the first time and all of us kids, like 4 or 5 of us got hit with chicken pox all at once.

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The real question is at what point do you transition from an old dog to an old fart?

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Don’t remember Arbys doing that, but Burger Chef was like that. They made all the burgers plain and you had a salad bar with burger toppings so you could use whatever you wanted. Sadly Burger Chef was bought out by Hardees in the 80s so that went away. I haven’t been to Fudruckers in a long time but they had something similar as well.

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I’m 45, and I still don’t know how. Last thing I remember was playing Final Fantasy Tactics before going to DM for my L5R group. Now everyone has kids that are adults.


31yo! Played WoW since 2005 (on and off)!

Op,you come to the right place most people on the forum is from 20’s to 90’s. Pretty large margin.

Oh 20 at heart,67 at age.


40 on the dot, myself. there are younger players too but that’s what happens when you have a game as old as WoW and as hugely popular as it was back in the day.

I haven’t been to a Fudd’s in forever.

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I live 300 miles away from the closest one, but I’m still on their mailing list so I regularly get emails with perfect burger pics.

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I feel ya. When still could worked at the Hard Rock Cafe in SF.
Closest to me I think is Seattle’s. But still to this day I still see pics on my FB of former co workers showing off perfect food pics.

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Same in 5 days.

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True words right here!
You blink and bammmm 42.


I was 45 this year. Feels strange. Let me elaborate.

I lost my entire 30’s due to being overmedicated, the result is that I can seem much younger than I am, like my brain thinks it’s no later than 2007 or something. That’s the last time I cared about anything on TV, for instance, last time for a lot of things tbh.

It’s like I just played WoW and lived every year like it was the same damned year until fairly recently, last 3-5 years. I caught myself perpetually putting events two years in the past until someone said, yo, that was like 5 years ago. And you know what, it was. :\

It has been pointed out that I talk a lot about stuff (and ruthlessly mull over negative events) that are actually ancient news, but it still feels recent, reason being for about 8 years give or take my days were like, wake up, eat breakfast/lunch, pass out on the couch until dinner, then pass out on the couch until it was time to go to bed. Sleep and more sleep, and it’s like any memory I have of it is hazy and dreamlike, no pain but no joy either, and I remember zero particulars, just watching expansions roll out one after the other.

My family was trying to tell me it was a bad situation but I was so out of it I couldn’t even tell let alone care. Had to get a whole other team of doctors to be told what was happening was, in the exact words of the later doctor, “unacceptable.”

Add about 5 more years of mediocre living alone as a hermit. Had a few friends for a couple years, but they all chose a mortal enemy over me, then like twice as many years as I’d known them in total later a few came crawling back cause they were done with that guy too, but too much time had elapsed and I was like naw I don’t even remember you let alone know why I ever hung out with you.

So good or ill I’m a genuine time traveler. Life began at 40 pretty much. Or even later, whenever it was I met my future wife. Skipped from late 20’s to then essentially. I actually wish I just didn’t remember anything prior to that, it was almost universally bad. Failure after mind-wracking failure to thrive since I was a kid.

Getting old kind of sucks, especially when your brain still thinks you just turned 30 from a very immature 29, but I wouldn’t go back as there lies madness, quite literally.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


My husband and I both play; we’re both 47.


Its strange reading this because I never really used to think about ageing untilast year.
Got the damn Covid and spend 4 months at the hospital (2 in a freaking coma) and was a very, VERY, close call.
And idk why for the past year (last month it completed 1 year out of the hospital) it is like ageing (and mortality) is a everyday thinking.
I dont think about it everytime but at least for a moment every-single-day.
I may have to talk with a professional about it, idk, what I do know is that this kind of thinking while not disturbing or anything has a cost, and sanity is something to at least start worry about at some point.
Idk really but I hope it gets better for you, me and everyone else no matter the cause.


I remember the first time I went to Chuck E. Cheese in the late 70s . I was 10 and I was in awe of all the games .

The cool thing was that it was the original one in San Jose


Average age Not savage age, my love.
My personal hypothesis, from only the WotLK playerbase, most are likely in their late 20s are their youngest and early 40s at their oldest.

I was there 4 thousand years ago when Κνωσός was still a busy Minoan city. I used to work in Ζάκρος as a stonemason. I was a young man then, maybe in my early 600s…

People these days. They die so young. My grandfather lived as a hunter and gatherer. He crossed the land bridge between Alaska and Russia in snow barefoot both ways. Times were tough then… y’all got it easy now

:mountain: :dragon: :ocean: :mountain: :dragon: :ocean: :mountain: :dragon: :ocean: