So wow’s playerbase has been substantially decreasing. I’d like to start a dialogue about why the player base has been decreasing in such a significant fashion.
What are everyone’s thoughts on this?
So wow’s playerbase has been substantially decreasing. I’d like to start a dialogue about why the player base has been decreasing in such a significant fashion.
What are everyone’s thoughts on this?
Burnout, scandalous behavior, account bans, fotm sjw grandstanding, sheep mentality and new MMOs are just a few reasons?
For me I just don’t have the time. I need dungeon finder and the actual honor pvp gear system that came along in wotlk. TBC is still too much like vanilla for me.
the skillgap became so big that the front and rear of the distribution can no longer play with each other.
outside the initial excitement of the dark portal opening, TBC is boring. lol. it’s really that simple.
Well blizzard has continuously doubled down on massively unpopular ideas for 3+ expansions, perfect example the passive aggressive attempts to kill flying.
I have 7 days (turns around to look for Samara) left on my sub and I don’t plan to extend it because I’m burnt out on TBC content. ~ 4 months is typically how long I last with a new expansion before I need to take a break, so nothing new here.
I will definitely give the Season of Mastery beta a try in a couple days though to see if it’s right for me. Vanilla Classic gripped me much more than TBC Classic and the thought of doing yearly seasons in that world sounds great. I usually change mains on a yearly or bi-yearly cycle anyways so it’s kind of right up my alley.
I hope it turns out good for them… I’m concerned they are releasing it too soon. I know many people from Classic that were Naxx geared and loved it. They are not planning to return to classic so soon. That was the sentiment of all of them. A small sample sure but clearly the winner amongst my guild?
Then why does WCL show an increase of logs being posted? Seems like your premise is incorrect.
Nothing to do outside raid logging
PvP getting the shaft to where it feels like a chore instead of fun
Open world farming is barren if you’re on a remotely populated server
So what do you do? Raid log
My thoughts on this matter are that ur avatar is horrendously ugly, looks like a rat in a mask
then why are you still here?
I know on my mega server. Guilds are starting to break up. In general, the 2 night a week 2-3 hours doesn’t really fly anymore unless you have a lot of patience to gear up, etc. People don’t. So people are quitting. The good thing is that there are more guild looking for people than there are people available.
Classic TBC takes more time than Classic Vanilla did. And its becoming a problem to those who expected the steam roll that was the majority of Classic. Already, a lot of guilds are moving to 3 raid nights or 4 hour raid nights. and that doesn’t work for some.
Lack of communication is a big one, bots running non-stop, gold sellers, lfg full of boosters, can’t find tanks, trash community lately. Seems like blizzard is more worried about appeasing people who care about half naked blurry photos in random npc houses.
Citation neeeded.
Agreed, for the most part, their focus is all wrong.
They are doing these changes for specific reasons of course. I don’t think it has much to do with us as players.
I wish I could reply to this thread and say TBCC is in a great state and just be really positive. I was pretty positive on the forums frequently during the downtimes of Classic as I enjoyed the whole thing. Just logging on you could chat with your guildies and PVP or do a dungeon with an alt or whatever because there were always people around.
It’s hard to be super positive about what I’m seeing now which is mostly a combination of servers dying and raid logging. The majority don’t really seem to be enjoying themselves outside of raids. Even those on the super mega servers.
Retail has all of that stuff you’re asking for I think.
na retails bad, like your lazy wanna be witty boomer response lol.
‘‘gO bAcK 2 ReTaIl’’
ok boomer lol.
Also wtf is a mechagnome. See I havnt even played shadowlands, apparently u have. What a baddie, u shud go back to retail bruhhh
Garbage community (see above) and a garbage company. It’s too bad, TBC really was a great expansion.
A large percentage of the playerbase (and modern gamers in general) have a severe case of Dunning-Kruger syndrome that sucks the fun out of playing with them.
The bots, professional farmers, and gold buyers are just the cherry on top. I also got tired of waiting for P2 lol.
You mention wotlk in all your posts