WoW Pay to Win situation

He’s not winning anything. Thats why he’s complaining.


WoW is not pay to win. Tokens exist because Blizz gave players a way to earn game time without paying a dime. Who do you think is on the other side of that trade? Players who want to spend $$ to buy gold. And you absolutely can’t fault these players unless you want everything to return to a pure subscription model.

That is called an opinion. You have a right to have an opinion. An opinion doesn’t change facts though.

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So you are complaining that’s a problem but yet you are also perpetuating a part of it?

Hypocrisy much?


Yes, I am not a gold seller, I don’t care about gold or even money. I care about gameplay. That’s only thing I care about. This game will die as many P2W did if they continue this path IMHO.

He is playing the wrong game if he figures having a high ilvl is ‘winning’.

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So, by what you just said, if you pay to get the BIS items, you win the game? That’s laughable. I always thought that skill was how you won the game. If you can get the BIS items through skillful play, then you come a heck of a lot closer to winning the game.

But guess what. As soon as a new patch or expansion comes out, all of that BIS loot is quickly outdated and you get to start over. Skill wins every time.

Yep it is spam. There was already a p2w thread and now yours. Sorry, but learn what p2w means first. If you think it is then ALL MMOS are p2w by your logic

Bye, have a great time in rl.
Can I have your stuffs?
WoW tokens are never going away, since it’s a legal way of getting gold.

He found this on the Urban Dictionary. Funny thing is you can search any subject until you find the ONE answer that you agree with, then to you, that’s the right answer. Funny and sad at the same time.

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It really doesn’t make you win. It just boosts your stats. You are the same player. If you haven’t got the skill, you won’t win, but you will be broke.

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So, let’s get this straight. You are going to simply walk into the AH and buy the gear with this gushing wound corruption. If it takes so long for people to actually farm it, why would you think that you are going to be lucky enough to ever see all of those pieces in the AH? You’re surely trolling at this point.

Let me ask just one question. Just how much are you willing to spend in real money to get these 7 items? I’ve seen the prices of some of the exclusive items in the AH, and it would take tons upon tons of tokens (i.e. real money purchases) just to be able to afford one piece. And you want 7? Give me a break… or rather, you will be beyond broke.

THIS IS NOT SUNDAY!!! Redhound had it right.

If we can just make up stuff then I declare any argument made by a fox, or a fox associate to be invalid.

M’kay? What’s that gotta do with me? I think you misquoted here, Champ.

No I only gave you a cursory glance and thought you were a fox, I didn’t realize you also had the mange

I think you’re trying to be funny? Or ironic, or sarcastic? Either way, you’re not doing a good job.

Yep it sure is! You made this thread purposely for the ability to give Asmonidiot air time on the forums.

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It is not pay to win. Talk about an overreaction. Also as corruption goes away so to does this feature. Take a chill pill and just relax.

WoW would need to be pay to win in the first place in order for it to continue being so.

Issue is with corruption only. Won’t be an issue after we abandon this system. Also, all of this gear is still attainable by even someone who doesn’t play much. Not easily sure, but so what? You can also pay gold to get mythic kills. Is that also a problem? There are even farming groups in the raid finder specifically for this – the only difference is that now these BoEs are actually good, too good.

They just need to tone down how OP some of the corruptions are.