WoW Pay to Win situation

Had a longer-winded reply, but this clearly is not meaningful in anyway.

So to sum it up, its not P2W. Just because corruption was introduced doesnt mean its changes when I could have done this in literally any expansion. Sure, corruption does add value to that gear, but a 475 is still BiS, and if we pretend corruption didn’t exist I still am technically buying a BiS piece from the AH.

IF buying that same 475 is not P2W in a world without corruption I do not think its fair to say it IS P2W in a world with it. Both instances have a BiS piece and to judge either of those instances as not equal is unfair, as both are a BiS piece one just has more RNG involved to get to BiS… and if you hate the RNG that is a different conversation entirely.

As per the Asmongold video I skipped some and watched like the first 3 minutes of it. A Site that filters out all the AH’s in a realm from relevant Blizzard data to put it in an easy search engine? I will admit its a little crazy but I am surprised all the same. I mean, the Undermine Journal can literally do the same thing and show you where these items are if you search the name/server/region.

To genuinely be shocked what people can do when the API is so easy to get is a bit much though.


With corruption its different. iLvl and stats doesn’t matter much. 450 ilvl with specific corruption and bad stats could be better than 475 without corruption and bis stats. Some mythic geared people still wear 430 ilvl with specific corruption. And now you can buy these items from AH. With gold that you bought with your dollars. Yes this is pay to win. This is why token prices are so low these days - a lot of people are buying gold with real money to buy corruption items.

People go even further. They buy gold with $$$ and then pay guilds to run them through the hardest content in the game to get items. Yes, this is PAY TO WIN.

You are awfully nice to draft that reply up despite seeing his various replies.


However, this guy’s concept of p2w is completed distorted. His logic that anything that is buyable by gold means it is p2w.

Either that or he is just trolling. Either way, we should stop feeding him and let the thread die.


You can leave any time, I have heard your distorted view of P2W already.

clips.twitch. tv/VenomousAthleticArugulaDatSheffy

So… the people that farmed up the gear. Then posted it in the AH.

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But thats my point in this portion of the post

I see it as both are equal in the premise that that they are BiS. Ilvl does matter and stats do matter, but the corruption also now matters. In fact, ilvl matters for the corruptions impact nad many pieces of gear.

I won’t deny that 450 can be better than 475, thats true and people do use lesser gear. It still does not change the fact of my what I see as that 475 with Gushing Wounds is still the BiS piece and can be bought, just like in WoD or Legion I could also buy a Mythic piece with best stats. Also, a lot of people are buying gold with stimulus checks I believe for things like a Brutosaur mount.

I have a friend who uses Tokens occasionally to buy consumables for his Raid. Is that pay to win?

And I do agree people can use tokens to buy things now, could since end of WoD right? Whenever it was released. People used it to buy Warframe and the 2 Mil Spider, people use it to buy consumables, people used it to buy the the 333K frogs when the relased, people now use it to buy the Brutosaur.

Point here being, I am not surprised this type of behavior exists. It is maybe more visual with corruption effects, but I would not say it hasnt existed. It could still be done, its just I’ve seen it used far more for cosmetic items before corruption came in. Corruption items do go for a lot and people might buy tokens to buy them (and in refrence to your clip might use their wallet as a means of progression).

And if I recall correctly… Big guilds were buying BoE’s and supplies for large amounts for other raids this Tier. I cannot put my finger on which exactly and my google search words may have not been the best, but I do recall several people making loans to Limit specifically before Nyalotha and prior in BFA (just BFA). I feel as if it was in BoD and heard Limit was buying several servers worth of supplies for splits trading.

So I don’t see this as unique to Corruption, but it definitely jumped with corruption gear. In fact, I can’t wait to see how the first raid goes and how BoE’s/supplies affect the race as I believe this practice is here to stay with how WoW related organizations have developed, and how players in WoW are more directly supporting the WF Race with loans.

I like how people don’t realize WoW is p2w until a streamer tells them

“Duh hey wait a minute, I play dat game”

That is just people useing a site to sell there items for gold really???nothing pay2win about it.

You forgot your obligatory TL,DR. Here, I’ll do it for you because I’m that awesome.

TL,DR: sellin BOEs (which had always been a part of the in game economy-that’s me not you, OP) is P2W because I cannot afford to buy them and I feel that this situation is totes unfair to me because Blizzard has programmed RNG to specifically target me with a huge disadvantage!

Fix NAO Blizz or I quit! ALSO, did I mention I am a long time player with more than one account so Blizz needs to pay moar attention to me!


There you go. You can copy paste that into your OP.


Thank God Blizz unflagged this topic. Thank you, Blizz. Not sure what you are trying to say here Huggywuggles. Yes, I have 2 accounts ( I pay for one atm). Yes, I am long time player (veteran).

It is spam. You could have covered it in a single reply to the other thread. Also, WoW isn’t p2w.

Should have done this last night, Welcome to mute-ville.


It’s ok to have the wrong opinion. You have one. Also, I never saw other posts about how wow truly is P2W before I created my thread.

There were posts hours before your thread, also with a link to this exact video. And it isn’t a wrong opinion. WoW isn’t p2w. I have played real p2w games, and WoW is as far away from those as you can get. If you want to call WoW p2w, you have to call any and all games with an economy of any kind p2w.

Love those buzzwords. The buying and selling of BoE items has ALWAYS been a part of the game. As a “veteran” you should know this.

Frankly, your posr comes across as exceptionally ignorant, arrogant, self-righteous, and entitled.

The website itself is no different than any other offsite aggregator.

So yeah. It seems as if you’re whining about people being able to legitemately purchase gear you cannot afford.

Does that clear it up?


This was covered so many times in this thread. Maybe check it.

Not worth it based on how many times I’ve seen you dismiss replies as bots.

So I chose to address your op as one should.


The problem with this is the people who mostly post those items on the auction house are people who sell carries and they play the game probably better than you. They play a lot so they have a lot of excess BoEs so they actually can get better items at a faster rate than anyone else including the people who buy gear on the auction house because those ppl have to wait for the items to be posted.

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I am currently selling 475ilvl with TA3 corruption, BIS for many specs for ~1.7 mil. I still don’t like this.