WoW Pay to Win situation

No, I don’t hate the guy, I just know check and verify when someone make a claim. It’s old reporter trick I was taught 40 years ago. I can claim on the internet that the moon is made of cheese and some of you will take that as gospel and argue it til you are blue in the face.

That streamer in particular has been known to fabricate information and events to boost his viewership.

Man you don’t even play the game judging from your profile.

See? You resort to character attacks when someone pokes holes in your argument. Your position is weak.

Maybe it’s possible, that my posting toon is not my my main but a retired character? Has that crossed your mind.


?? Where did you think those items were coming from? Random drops from raids? Sure a few of them might, but those are even more unreliable, as you’re relying on RNG to drop the item, RNG to make sure it corrupts, and even more RNG to get the right affix, with the right level of corruption on it.

But even if we remove crafted items from the equation entirely and we just talk about raid BoE items, all the other points I made still stand. You’re not getting them months/years before everyone else, and buying them is not pay to win.


Totally not interested in any conversation with people that don’t play the game in this patch. I am sorry.

Is that so? I never watch his content amd probably never would. His thumbnail annoys me and the video titles are click baity as hell.

Guy has more achievement points than you. He probably did more content than you.


Ah, there’s my “I’m taking my ball and I’m going home” response.

You’d get eaten alive on the dias.


Guy has more achievement points than you. He probably did more content than you.

Its my second account as I couldn’t transfer my account from EU. Also I don’t care about achievements and almost never go to outdated content.

Sure. I believe you. I totally believe you.

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Are you scared or ashamed to use your main on forums btw?

Well i’m one of those people that “don’t play the game”.

I don’t raid or m+. Doesn’t matter which toon i use. I use whichever toon i like and i intend this toon to be my main come shadowlands.

Me being bad at the game has nothing to do with your definition of p2w being wrong though.

Good try attacking me personally though. I rate your efforts a solid 5/7.


aw… “post on your mains”

I don’t post on my main as certain tools like to send threats in-game when I disagree with their opinions. At least I can contain things on this character.

It’s looking like we reached this point in the discussion…


Oh ok, no problem, not interested in your opinion though. I am sorry.

Doesn’t change the fact that your definition of p2w is wrong.

Good day!


Welp, he pulled the “I’m better than you” card. Time to pack it up, he has thoroughly lost, no longer has an argument and is falling back on elitism. Time to go home and stop responding Ladies and Gentlemen. He is over.


Never said I am better. I just play the game at this moment. And not interested in the opinion of people that don’t. I think its fair.

So? You want an echo chamber…It’s not really a discussion if you are gonna blow off dissenting opinions.


Funny thing is, I play the game currently, and he stopped responding to me too. Must have assumed that because I post on this 110 toon that I ‘don’t play current content’.


Dude, I’m progressing nicely, my main is getting geared for when SL launches. But, I’m not playing the game because I don’t post on my main…

The ONLY reason I post on this guy is for security reasons. I get “love letters” from people that have issue with me and took it to a personal level and I don’t want to see that crap on my main.

The OP sure is cheesed off enough to manage to get to my profile after I blocked it. So I am safe to assume he might take it further if the character attacks was any indication.


Im slowly but surely leveling this toon.

Not playing current content, i.e not raiding or doing m+ means i am not playing the game.
