WoW Pay to Win situation

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Where is this Fabled Cash shop that Blizzard is running? It’s not the AH as there isn’t a cash option for gear there.

Dude, your argument is like a dog with three legs on shaky ground…

Let me know when you can buy full on Mythic N’zoth gear for cash…


He doesn’t have any gold cause he refuses to buy tokens, cause in his mind that’s the only way to get gold.


Pay 2 Win = Paying with Real $$ for advantage.

So when you go to random seedy MMO number 55 and see weapons and armour available in their store for x amount of whatever currency they want to use, and that currency can only be earned by paying $$, then that’s pay to win.

Buying items with gold =/= pay to win. Sure you can buy gold with $$ via the WoW token, but that doesn’t suddenly make the game pay to win. It also means, if you’re going to claim that buying items with gold = pay to win, that literally anyone who farmed their gold without buying a token is in that same boat and are ‘paying to win’ even though outside of their subscription cost (assuming they even have one and aren’t just buying tokens with all the gold they earn) they like haven’t spent a cent on the game to do that.

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Yes, all 24k gold I have.

Pay-to-win by definition is when you can spend real money to buy an exclusive in-game item that cannot be acquired any other way than a cash shop.

Stop spamming this. Even by your definition WoW store has exclusive mounts you can get only from in-game store. So I am right even by your wrong definition.But real pay to win definition is


Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items then everyone else at a faster rate and then makes the game largely unbalanced even for people who have skill in the game without paying.

It’s a non-issue, seeing as in SL, stuff like corruptions will be going away.

Yes, but they can replace corruption with other system.

Yeah no. This is not the definition of pay to win. Everyone else is right cept you.


Dude, I have way more than that just from farming and selling BoEs. So is this all about your inability to make gold in game? It’s certainly not about gear, as I looked at your profile. You are progressing in mythic…

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Nope, not until you learn what the term pay-to-win means;

Mounts in WoW are not gear, they don’t make you ‘win’ the game. You really need to educate yourself, Champ. Now this is just embarrassing.


Which can be bought with in game gold buy buying a token on the AH and converting it back to real money to buy the mount makinging it technically available in game. So no, not pay to win since it can be bought with gold with a work around. The token works both ways ya know.

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This is 100% not the definition of pay to win.

The definition of Pay to Win is well known by pretty much everyone at this point. It’s the act of paying real $$ to get an in-game advantage. It’s problematic no matter what game you play, but it is a much larger issue for games with a competitive edge.

If WoW had non-cosmetic items in their store that offered advantages to players, then and only then would the game be pay to win. They don’t do that though. So it’s not pay to win.


So if players stopped putting top end gear on the AH to buy, does that make WoW suddenly not PW2?

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If I can spend real money to get 7 gushing wounds corruption (or IS or any other corruption) months if not years before other players not spending real money, IS IT pay to win?

You really think it takes gold farmers months or years to get that kind of gold?


No, because you’re buying those items with gold, not real $$ or a unique store currency that can only be bought with real $$

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AH, see it now…

Snobbery. How dare someone buy gear of the AH while I had to work for it…

You gold argument needs work. I know players that bring in 100k a day for working the AH and they don’t spend a dime on Tokens.


Got to be trolling at this point. So tell me, how did those people get those gears that they sell on AH?

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No, because those items can be farmed in-game or purchased on the Auction House. They are not exclusive gear which can only be bought on an in-game shop.

I am asking about normal players with job and maybe kids. You know - people that pay subscription.


I know a player that has a full family and full time job, and he still managed to hit gold cap on like 6 toons, all with out spending a dime on tokens.

Rest in peace, Terry Jones.


Yes by your wrong definition of pay to win. So you really think that taking advantage by other normal players with putting $ into the game is not pay to win? Are you ok?

Got to be trolling at this point. So tell me, how did those people get those gears that they sell on AH?

Well how much time will take you to collect 7 BOE with exactly gushing wound corruption ? I will tell you - on average couple years (probably more than 3 years) if you grind it every week.