WoW Pay to Win situation

You do realize that the idea of Pay 2 Win relies on a person having to pay money to be competitive.

If you can get that same corruption effect on a similar ilvl piece of gear, then whats the advantage?

Yea I have, the wow token feature is legit right there in front of you in the wow cash shop and it’s an example of pay 2 win.

But your definition isn’t pay to win, it’s pay to get something you really want that can help you progress.

No it’s a definition of pay 2 win.

Because paying $200+ isnt exactly a very good argument for something to be pay 2 win.

But you have yet to give any actual examples of what is being “won” from those tokens. They don’t give you any advantage over someone who just plays the game.

Yea the in game currency that said person didn’t work for and got from his real money.

In order to be pay 2 win, the token would have to get you an amount of gold that is either impossible, or improbable, to get without exenstive grind or work. See unlocking heroes in Battlefront 2.

But it’s not that way. The money you can get from a token can get fairly quickly and easily in-game without monetary purchase.

So it’s not P2W. It’s just microtransactions.

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But that doesn’t give you any actual advantage over a person who earns gold from in-game stuff. You’ve just spent a great deal of money to, at best, catch up to them. You don’t have any advantage over them.

Using real $$ to get in game currency is not an advantage, it’s just the lazy and expensive way to get gold in game. Why is this so hard to understand? Really, I’m just so happy for you that you have so much $$ that you can just throw it away on a game.

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Well in this situation that you just posted, you then have an advantage over others who are trying to catch up. You just said it yourself.

Start calling you Reed Richards, cause that is a stretch.

Yes it is, it’s an advantage because you’re spending money on something that other have to work for.

I, what? And you tell other people to work on their comprehension.

I very clearly stated that the person who bought WoW tokens has, at best, caught up to the person who just earns gold from in-game sources.

Nope it’s an example of paying to get an edge over others.

Right here. And it doesn’t have to just be gear either, could be items for achievements.

If that’s what you want to believe. You’re incorrect, but whatever you say.

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Person A has over 8 million gold.

Person B buys a single WoW token for 107k gold.

What did they win from doing that? What specific advantage did they gain from that 107k gold?

Actually it’s a disadvantage for you. It seems that you are lazy and just want to buy everything that others have worked for. I don’t see that as an advantage. You’re cheating yourself by trying to buy everything instead of working for it. But, hey, the sellers can get their big Gs from you and that’s a win for them. So pay to win? You pay, they win. Sounds good to me.

Are you serious? You’re telling me that the majory of the playerbase has 8 million gold laying around?