WoW Pay to Win situation

Except there is. You just refuse to use it.


You’re getting an edge over others by using real cash. That’s an edge, the edge over players doesn’t have to be gear, it could literelly be anything in the game.

You’re therefore paying to win in some way.

Like buying a rock on the AH with gold you got from a token?

If that’s your interpretation of winning than yea.

Okay, let’s entertain that thoguht for a moment. How do you win at wow?


There is no edge being gained.

Person A earns gold in-game.

Person B earns gold from WoW tokens.

Person A and Person B can both buy gear from the AH.

Nothing is being “won”. Therefore there is no “pay to win” occurring.

Try again when you can use the commonly accepted definition of the phrase instead of whatever gobbledygook you’ve slapped together.

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Yea there is, youre using real money, to get in game currency, that in itself is an advantage.

Spending $200 for a piece of gear thats irrelevant in 3 months is a really bad advantage.


How is it an advantage?

Person A has 5 million gold from doing stuff in-game.

Person B has 5 million gold from buying WoW tokens.

Person B hasn’t “won” anything. They’ve spent real money just to catch up with Person A. They have no advantage over Person A.

Therefore WoW is not pay to win.

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This argument will go nowhere if you guys can’t even agree on the definition of the point you’re arguing.

For the record, per the commonly accepted definition, Glyn, you are incorrect.

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Are you serious? It’s legit using real money to get in game currency. That’s an advantage. Why is this so hard to understand?

Which is by design for the people who keep arguing that WoW is pay to win. They know they can’t win an argument while using the standard definition. So they have to invent some overly vague “definition” in order to keep pretending to have a point.

There is no pay to win situation, other then the imaginary one inside your mind OP.

WoW is not pay 2 win, it has never been pay 2 win and likely never will be.


Ok, show me where it says that pay 2 win is exclusively that definition stated above.

Because you have yet to show a single solitary “advantage” over someone who plays the game. Therefore no “pay to win” is occurring.

Try again when you can use the standard definition of “pay to win”.

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edit Obviously this is directed at GLyndenorn.
BUT … If you buy something with that real money that gives you an advantage over people who just play the game, can you actually win anything? Will you then be able to play with … say, Method? You would be comparably geared, but would they take you and and you be a part of the WINNING group? Or would you still just be Glyndenorn, the one who went broke thinking he could pay to win? Unless you have something that NO ONE else can get in game that you purchased with real money, then you don’t have pay to WIN.

I’ve told you this already, multiple times, that using real money to get an advantage over other players is pay 2 win.

You haven’t shown any concrete advantage that is being obtained. You just keep waving your arms and saying there’s some vague “something” being won.

Notice I said commonly accepted. Because its not exclusive or official… just common or accepted among the general population. If you’re going to rebut, then at least read what I’m saying.

Per the COMMONLY ACCEPTED definition, WoW isn’t P2W…yet.