WoW Pay to Win situation

Because with all that gold, you could buy your way to top ilvl gear for everyone.

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Pay 2 win could be anything, how is this so hard for you to understand?

Your entire argument is that because you can buy a token, the game is pay to win. THe thing you can buy with a token, is gold. Therefore, by virtue of gold being gained from tokens, that means that gold is pay to win. So if your guild bank is filled with gold, it is then pay to win for you to buy gear wiht said gold.

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How so.
Like so far we agree with the Pay part.
But every time we ask about the win part we get

Yea, you donā€™t have to work for said gold to get something out of the game that gives you an edge over people that would have to work for it.

Why do you want me to repeat the same thing over and over again?

So having gear equals skill?

Why are you innacurate?

Iā€™m not?
Maybe you forgot to post what your response?

Ok you three are trolls, got it. Iā€™ll show myself out.

3 people are telling you you are wrong. They must be trolls.

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I guess thatā€™s the best way to not have an answer.
Losing gracefully. I like it.

why cant we have the items sold at blizzard store instead?

Thatā€™s not pay to win though. You can still buy that same 465 BiS corrupted gear without ever looking at the shop. Itā€™s not like the only possible way to earn gold is from WoW tokens.

Pay to win means that you are buying something with real money that gives you an advantage over people who just play the game.

Buying a WoW token and converting it to gold does not give you an advantage over other people who just play the game. Iā€™ve got millions of gold without ever buying a single WoW token with money.

Just because they are saying something doesnā€™t mean they are right. Bye now!

What a useless thing to say because I can use the very same words you used right back at you. Just because you WANT P2W to mean something doesnā€™t make it true.

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You mean like the people who keep yammering about WoW being pay to win?


Itā€™s like you want me to constantly repeat what I said earlier if your incapable of reading comprehension thatā€™s on you. Not me

Your definition of P2W is wrong.

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