WoW Pay to Win situation

Since when did we get an online store where I can buy my gear with cash? Oh wait, we don’t.


Apparently in the eyes of some using a token to get gold and then spending said gold on Gear is pay to win. I can understand seeing using a token to get gold as pay to win, but using that gold to get gear being seen as pay to win…I dont know

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Unless there is something in game that a non spender cannot get, that actually makes a difference to your character (I have store mounts, that do nothing more than a 10G gryphon cannot do), than no, nothing here is pay to win.

BoEs being able to corrupt was a mistake.

Quit advertising


What a brilliant way to show your age with such an incredible comeback.

I don’t get why people are complaing about this, you have been able to buy gold with real cash , carries and bis boe since the launch of this game and that will never change.

The only difference is blizzard made it legal to do with wow tokens now and bis items have corruption this expansion thats the only difference and like over the last decade new conntent comes out and those bis items become irrelevant and the person who paid a ton of gold or money screwed themselves for only a few months of enjoyment.

It is only a big deal now because of “corruption”. At least, that is what I get out of the crying.

Doesn’t take a mind reader when the majority of his post was the Asmonidiot included.

WoW isn’t like that. You’re not going to the store and buying a 10% DPS boost. That would be an example of actual pay to win mechanics.

Now stop using such an overly vague definition of pay to win.

You can’t just make up your own special little definition and expect anyone to care about it.


there is no pay to win situation in wow, you can’t go to the shop and buy a weapon better than anything in the game.

Eve online tried this once, selling ammo on their shop that was better than the ammo in game, as a result burn jita happened. They lost over 50% from sub numbers in a week because of it and players revolted by destroying a station.

Or look at world of tanks situation where you buy gold ammo I think it is, better than the ammo that is in game.

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I think that probably has much more to do with the Baldy video, to be honest.

Eh… But you can buy a token for real money, sell it for gold, and then use that gold to buy 465 BIS corrupted gear.

So it is, in a sense, P2W. There’s just an extra step involved.

U can still buy it without buying tokens…

My big question is what do you win?
If you went and had an unlimited budget to buy any boe or just any piece of gear.
Could you kill nzoth right now? Could you heal a 27 key right now?
Highly doubt it.
This game is not pay to win because winning takes skill not gear.
Also its impossible to buy 7 gushing wound pieces as you have stated many times.

That used to be the case, but “Gold” ammo can only be bought using credits now.

I know people that are gold capped with a bunch of like TCG mounts and stuff in their bank as well to “go past it”.

Most classes only have 2 slots that are able to be BoE. Ring and your armor type. Shield and offhand rules out every single melee dps and any caster with a better staff as an option.

You cannot buy 7 gushing wounds and even the 3* you CAN buy you cannot make magically appear on the AH. I look like every other day for an Expedient OH and it has not shown up once because people typically keep the good corruptions.

Ah yes “this is my other account”. Is your dad also Ion and can get me banned?

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We are still mad blizz put a little pay to win in WoW?

Maybe more in shadowlands? We will see

So … another morongold thread? damnit