WoW or New World?

Never been more sure someone is trolling than with a statement like this.

Either you are a troll or you really know nothing about the vanilla wow era

Just because I don’t like the game you like doesn’t mean I’m trolling.

I’m not the one of the New World forums praising WoW as a game. That would be trolling if you catch my drift.

Disagreement isn’t trolling. Look, you might enjoy New World, but the hype was just that, hype. Game lost all positive press and quite a chunk of its launch player base because it just wasn’t good.

I literally said the game has a ton of issues, runs out of content fast, and has a defineable end where wow does not. I even said I DO NOT CURRENTLY PLAY NEW WORLD!

FFS man I literally don’t play the game. I play WoW. You are unhinged and convinced I am someone I’m not.

Then don’t come at me because I dared say to the guy that unlike it, WoW doesn’t have “Wait for next patch to start playing!” meta.

Alright there is some congnitive stuff going on with you man. Third time you have confused me with another poster.

Im out, get some help.

ptr for new world looks promising. I enjoy the premise of the game, reminds me a lot of a chill runescape type game. Gathering and professions, it’s cool.

When was this? I haven’t played it, but player population has been continually increasing.

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No, I initially replied to Rudly, the dwarf guy.

honestly steady improvement in the player count recently. I want the game to be good so bad. I know people hate when other mmo’s are good for whatever reason but I never want another game to fail. I think NW has a cool concept.

I’m an MMO enjoyer not necessarily a wow only enjoyer.

Don’t be fooled by the hype, New World, despite it’s improvements over the last year, is still a deeply, fundamentally flawed game that might be unable to ever be corrected.

The numerous exploits and dupes that absolutely wrecked the economy were never addressed. Everything was just swept under the rug and you’re expected to just look the other way and pretend it never happened. I don’t think there is still a definitive answer on their end if the game really is client or server side authoritative which means they will still be dealing with this issue for maybe as long as the game is live.

Then, the server population issue where they seem unwilling or unable to change it from 2k people per server which is tiny. So when people come back to see new content there are server queues and in lulls the few remaining servers are ghost towns aside from one or two.

The solo experience is still bad though not as abysmal as it was at launch. End game is still lacking and even if you like the pvp, good luck getting in wars since the sweatiest sweats have multiple guilds and alts to monopolize that area of the game. Amazon is supposedly finally attempting to address this issue after a year. There isn’t much for you to do on your own though.

Finally, though it might not be as big a deal to some, there is almost no customization at all. It’s a meme here, but there are only body types 1 and 2, humans only, all the same size, only face and hair options. No real transmog, just real ugly skins from the cash shop.

They have made some decent progress since launch. I’d still give them 6-12 months before giving it a serious shot.

Jesus, man, are you that dense or are you just being deliberately obtuse?

New World’s new player experience is fine. There is no “meta” on waiting. If OP wanted to play now they could, but the experience will be better in a month. It’s just a suggestion, not an absolute requirement.

The same thing can be said for WoW. Not an ideal endgame experience but serviceable. However, if you want the most optimal experience, you have to wait a year after the expansion initially launches to have that experience.


idk what a meta is in new world i just run around collecting things because i find it fun. and play a mage staff because i play a caster in every game. chill game imo. big runescape vibes = fun to me.

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Dude is so caught up in WoW’s game design that he fails to see that New World is not a game where you have to race to the endgame. This whole “play now to get caught up now!” is exactly what’s wrong with WoW and he’s perpetuating it like it’s a good thing.


i feel like if i wanted to play a super serious game i would just log into wow.

I feel immersed in new world, and again this is my opinion. I enjoy the leveling process even though the quests are simple, you experience your character getting stronger, and profession progression. it’s chill. good time.

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The reason NW switched from full pvp to pvp optional is because their first BETA was a complete disaster. There was no safe zones anywhere so players would camp the starting zone and just gank newbies as they loaded in. Players who can’t play the game are not going to stick around and Amazon didn’t spend all that money just to make a game that only a tiny minority of masochists enjoy. So they made the right call but they should have waited much longer to launch the game. I popped in a few days ago just to check it out and they have made improvements. That ridiculous orb you needed to run a dungeon is gone and they finally added a group finder tool so that players don’t have to spam chat like it’s 2004. They have also added more travel points to the game. So, it’s in a much better state, but it’s going to take some time for players to get back into.

way cheaper to fast travel too. i know that was a big complaint.

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As much as I enjoy WOW, I do much prefer the crafting and combat system in NW. Not too many buttons to fool around with in a fight, just learn to master the few abilites you have you are good to go. Fishing was super cool and much more intuitive. They still have some more work to do, but Amazon seems intent on sticking with this game so that’s a good sign.

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I noticed that too. Everything seems much cheaper now. With all the travel points and how cheap they are I’m wondering if this means there will never be any mounts in game.

Honestly people like to hate on Asmon, but he does have a direct line to them and has been voicing his opinion about the game from a completely casual standpoint and like i agree with the majority of the complaints he has. Not everything of course - but he has helped out the game a ton in that regard, covering it and such. Amazon has been responding well, and the changes have been generally well liked through the community as we see by increased popularity. We will see if it sticks.

plus big greatsword = good and cool.

Problem with New World is that they had a development shift super super late in the process and it ruined the game. They should have just stuck with the whole PvP focused thing. There isn’t a single MMO on the market with decent PvP, it’s all just “passable.” They could have actually had a decent playerbase around such a niche market if they focused heavily on it and actually made it good. Instead, they listened to carebears and the game was completely ruined.