WoW or New World?

I am having trouble deciding.

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Disney Dreamlight Valley


Hello Kitty’s Adventure Island


Well they’re two completely different games despite both being marked as “MMOs” so it’s really not a tough decision.

Do you want to play WoW, or do you want to play fake pvp grindfest taking its tenth shot at making itself appealing to all the multitudes of people who tried it and hated it?


Haven’t played NW since launch. It’s much improved from what I hear. I may jump back in at some point but not really sure. I have some big issues with how they set their town ownership and handle taxes.

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But they have a huge update coming out.

Yeah and by most accounts it’s just kind of more of the same, except they dressed up the early quests a little better.


Asmongold is playing so sure I’ll play.

And so will the other 800k-1mil fans of his.

Why did you describe WoW twice?



WoW isn’t a fake pvp grindfest though. I mean, it has plenty of problems, but masquerading as an open world PvP game that isn’t actually PvP oriented isn’t one of them.


Suuuure. :wink:

I mean I am already playing 3 different mmo’s and trying to keep on top of everything each day. It is getting way harder than it used to be. I downloaded New World and do not want to waste the 40 some GB it took up but I can still get a refund. Then there is Tower of Fantasy, WoW, and FFXIV I have to keep track of each day. FFXIV is the least demanding.

New World is garbo.


Like, really though.

I’m no WoW white knight but I gave NW a very good, genuine shot, and it was actually terrible.

I might give it another shot after the update but I have not heard especially good things tbh. Sounds like they’re just barely getting up to where they should’ve been to start with lol.


Quick someone tell him about the dead af warmode featured as engaging openworld pvp!!

NW is one of those games you downlaod and play abit then put it away for a while. There’s no sub so it’s not like you’re losing money. WoW has nearly two decades of content to explore and is much better in some of the aspects in “standard” mmos.

New world had loads of potential but the developers have done nothing but constantly fail.

It’s not a lack of effort, its a lack of talent.

The game is amazingly shallow in every aspect.

They need to have a MASSIVE overhaul of the vast majority of their systems and pull a FF style rerelease.
I really hope they get their heads on straight because the game is absolutely oozing untapped potential.

I don’t think you can compare wow and new world tho, they are extremely different games.

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If you mean me, I’m a her. :wink: And that’s kind of my point though? They completely removed PvP realms, completely. They are not marketing this game as “a PvP game” the way New World is.

If you guys think this is comparable, you have not played NW lol. It is literally framed around WPvP and it is literally a failure at this, and PvP is optional despite being a core gameplay feature.

More chopping wood??


Not really lol.
They are releasing a new zone zone with pasted mobs, a new pasted dungeon and a new weapon.
All they are doing is adding more crap to the burning pile of it that they call a game.