WoW or New World?

You mean the 1 month hype and death of the game ?

Yeah. Pretty informed statement.

So did I.

Says the guy who instantly went “No, WoW bad !”.

Obviously, you’re right someone was triggered, just wasn’t me.

Games not dead but aight. 30k player pop average and climbing with recent updates. Personally I’m not playing. But to say its a dead game no one ever played? Yeah thats pretty ignorant brochacho

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Probably because we’re on a WoW forum and it’s pretty clear you’re a WoW apologist so I thought it relevant to point out the hypocrisy in your statements, but I digress.


If they listen to player feedback, they would take a good chunk of whats left of WoW players with the right changes.

Someone hasn’t actually read my post history. I’m literally the farthest thing.

But you’re not going to pretend things that are blatantly false like WoW makes you “Wait for a patch!” or that that is even ever suggested.

Sorry your game died.

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Things WoW players say to cope with their dying game.

Dude, the game’s been live for like 17 years.

Not 17 hours like New World was.

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forums.newworld. com/t/notice-adding-additional-servers-to-central-eu-us-east-and-south-america/757308

Dying game actively opening new servers due to congestion. Makes sense.

You also replied to me but quoted someone else? You good?

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I like it. I hit tree, tree make satisfying noise.

Solid podcast game if you’re into that kind of thing at all. Very excited for the update next month.

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This man gets it.

10 Hour New World Sound Effect ASMR when?

He’s too busy frothing at the mouth at the prospect of someone liking New World. Of course he isn’t.

Actually, it’s more the posting on wow forums about it that gets me. A game so good, people post about it on an unrelated game’s forum.

Same deal with FFXIV.

This post is a guy asking about the difference between the two. That is a totally valid GD topic. Take a chill pill and stop beating at your keyboard with rage, you might reply to the right person next time.

It’s literally why there’s an off topic Gaming forum though. This isn’t about WoW.

And then using the opportunity to laud your game while trashing WoW always makes me chuckle. Because your game is supposedly so good, you’re on the WoW forums.

You didnt read my reply to OP at all if that is what you took away. Literally just making sh*t up to fit your narrative.

Here is part of what I said:

New world has a ton of issues and a short grind at end game that has an end point. Do what you want with that info. They are very different games living under the same genre umbrella

edit: and further more OP is asking about WORLD OF WARCRAFT vs. Another game. If it was just a thread about New World then yes it would be Off topic video game discussion. Because he is asking for direct WoW info compared to another game its fine for GD

I mean, I had nothing to say about WoW until you came at me with things that are entirely applicable to WoW. If you had just given your opinion without trying to take mine down, I would have left it alone.

Maybe don’t instigate an argument if you don’t want one?

This… is actually very accurate. Gathering in that game is so strangely satisfying. Lots of issues, but some how AGS nailed chopping down trees and other things…

Except they’re not as explained. You just attempted to draw a parallele where there isn’t one.

New World had to wait a year to be improved, and WoW generally has to wait a year to be improved.

What’s the issue here?

WoW doesn’t ever need to tell anyone to wait because their 1 year old game has a poor new player experience.

That’s the thing. You never wait in WoW. You play in spite of its flaws. New World, you said “Wait for the new new player experience!”. When you have to remake your player experience after not a year on market, failed game.