WoW or New World?

Hahahahahahahaha good joke.

New World is terrible and botched, lost 95% of its player base and its barely hanging on with devs who aren’t experienced.

I played it for a bit on release and I can say…its a half-hearted game made with inexperience. Its full of bots too.

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ok but what if he enjoys new world

WoW just masquerades as an open world game in general. All the REAL content for WoW is in the MUDs.

One of the reasons I’ve been indulging in WotLK prepatch as of late, it feels a little more like an open world game rather than a dungeon runner.


New World is a dead game. WoW hands down


Originally they attempted “open world PVP” but got feedback that their game would be pretty much dead because forced PVP MMOs have a short life. They changed PVP to opt-in and barely anyone PVP’d but changed who they marketed to. Alas, it was too late…they barely had PVE content on release because they fixated on PVP side too much early on.

They are getting some PVE content added in from what I’ve heard though. I’ve been considering checking them out during down time, kind of want to give them a little more time to flesh things out more though.

While I’m not inclined to say it was ruined, the end result is definitely a half-baked experience. They were too scared to lean too far into PvP, and they didn’t have enough time to develop any substantial PvE content.

Still love the game, though. I really do like the somewhat gathering/crafting systems.

Oh, how did I forget to mention the bots, so many bots…

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That would have been a failure. There aren’t enough players who want to play that kind of game to support a game that size. MMO’s are a small slice of the game market, and hardcore PvP games are a small slice of that.

Actually. hardcore PvP mmo’s fail because if you don’t start almost as soon as the game is released, you can never catch up. There’s always somebody with super gear who wants to kill you waiting around every corner, who you have no chance against.

Most people who play games, but MMO’s in particular, have limited gametime and don’t want to have it wasted by sociopathic jerks.

Tried New World, didn’t care for it. Back to WoW I went.

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There are probably less people playing now than would have been playing if they had focused on PvP. Like, you do realize that the game was pretty much a failure right out of the gate, right? And this was after switching deep into development trying to push more PvE.

Or they could just design it where that wasn’t the case?

Got a source on that?

I am an OG Frost DK so I might check it out, if I get bored.

I did the same, tried New World and came back to WOW. FFXIV and SWTOR are the closest to WOW as any games, but neither can replace WOW.

Yea I refunded. I will stick with FFXIV, and WoW is up in the air because I do not trust Dragonflight.

edit: I still have about a month left it looks like they are forcing me to play classic Wrath. The mount looks kinda cool.