WoW or New World?

After shelling out a gross amount of money to feed my kid’s Disney Infinity habit and watching them just pull all of that support right out from under us like a bad rug, I will not be giving them a single cent for another game, even if they manage to make the greatest version of any video game ever invented. (Which I feel really sure they won’t, so lol.)

Didn’t New World die like 2 days after it launched ?

Messed around with it for like 15 minutes on Gamepass… seems to be an Animal Crossing with a bit of very basic action/adventure elements. It’s ok so far… might shell out the $30 to get it on Switch cause it seems more like a mess around when you poop game.

You gotta be trolling

The only real open sand-box was SWG which was sooo much fun to play. Granted, there was very little content and you basically made your own and was more about pvp since there wasn’t really anything to do except change your specs weekly and do kryat groups to level it. Or you could do the Warren if it wasn’t bugged that day lol. But the community by far was the best. Even just chillin in the cantina socializing or helping allies cities defend when it became vulnerable.

There is another open sand-box called The Repopulation but I don’t think that will ever launch as it has been in development for many many years and I don’t think it will get its name out if it even gets out of alpha.

The game was fun but that falls off fast once u get closer to max level and than when u bit endgame and realize how sht endgame is. The amount of bugs that was happening, Amazon doing a bunch of idiotic changes and the economy in the game going to crap. Literally the worse game to have been released in years, idk how it is now though I haven’t touched in a long time.

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Yeah I really had fun for like five minutes lol. I really like the action combat style of play, but they really had no idea how to do anything worthwhile with that game.

I said ‘really’ three times in two sentences, someone take me to writer jail.

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Judging from ur comments you’re an obvious NW fanboy, so I’m not even gonna pay u attention lol.

You obviously haven’t been reading my comments.

I hate genshin so much, the game is so boring.

That’s alot of work you’re commenting a lot.

I enjoy inflicting my opinion on others.

Lmao I feel that.

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The gameplay was fun, I enjoyed it a lot when I first started and I played pretty casually. But as I got further started to notice alot of things I didn’t like and then once I hit endgame it was more BS. I could’ve ignored it all if it wasn’t for AGS insane incompetence, these guys should not be running any game.

new world kekw



People still play New World? lol

I know I posted already but even as a big NW fan, I very much get a lot of the negative reviews from people here. It definitely is a different mmo and lacking end game and is a very grindy mmo. The world itself is amazing though. I think that is what drew me in since trying it in beta. The music and ambiance and lighting are all breathtaking.

They have made a lot of improvements since launch and still a lot more to go.

I say if you want to try it out to either wait for the big patch in Oct or it is on sale now and I feel you will at least get your monies worth for hours played even if you end up not sticking around.

Played new world when it came out. It was trash. Maybe its better now…