WoW - Numbers don't lie - Bellular

… Isn’t there a meme going around that Alex Jones is right a lot of the time?

This game isn’t a cash cow anymore though. They milked it dry in a bad cash grab as they drove it into the ground. Question is can WoW recover? I’m just not so sure. Things are going to get far far worse in the next couple months.


They couldn’t care less for top spot like you people always put weight behind with that stupid slogan of ‘‘no king lasts forever’’.

You clearly have your head firmly stuck in the sand if you can’t comprehend what people have been writing and how business works.

$$ matters. If it’s 10 subs, or 4 million.
Why are you insistent in the many threads I’ve seen you post to really just dump on Blizzard and spew these naive lines of thinking.

Is it twitch?

Who knows but honestly, it’s hard replying to the summer child, joker-esque, abusive relationship vibe posts you make.

It’s like half the stuff you write, are fictional non sense yet you believe it somehow, it’s quite interesting…


His track record has been boosted significantly this year.

Read the quarterly reports doomsayer. Or take a class in finance.

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It is in the quarterly reports.


I don’t get it; Numbers don’t like what?

The numbers don’t like Bellular, that’s who, not what!

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whatever that is.

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Oh! Everyone take a shot.

I have nothing to take said shot with - non alcoholic doesn’t count mind you…!

We did and they are bad. Also there is a lot of bad press and 2 major lawsuits. I think we can expect next Quarter to be even worse than this one.


Well thanks for proving that you are trolling.

Cya and have a nice day.

Is that a mission statement somewhere? :laughing:


numbers don’t like?

I don’t like Bellular and his videos are rarely truthful even though he pretends he is stating facts.


It bothers you to read the forum because everyone you disagree with is “whining”. But you don’t have the self-control not to do it. Makes sense.

I read about what gameplay was going to be like for casuals (nothing but chores) and didn’t buy it. Got another mount last night!

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Bellular tends to have more receipts than others. Most of the YouTube videos are chopped up segments of long-form streams, though, so the channel might seem to have a manic upload rate and a ton of similar discussions on a handful of topics.

At the end of the day, the sub counts haven’t mattered too much so far. Monetization has seen profits going up in spite of user counts trending down. I don’t expect that to last much longer. Q3 will probably be grim. Even whales won’t hang on forever if all of their friends are quitting.

Classic has already sacrificed the “museum piece” rhetoric on the altar of greed. I wouldn’t expect the remainder of TBC or WotLK to be much of a boost if they stay down that path.

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They’re going to turn WoW into a mobile game aren’t they?

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Nah, but they are working on Warcraft mobile games.

This is my forum main. When I have a reason to post on another character I change. What is really interesting here is that you are admitting right up front to be the sort of scary stalker that keeps data on everyone who posts and does extensive research to stalk them better, in the hopes of either scaring them out of the forums with your veiled threats of doxing or finding out someone left and then came back.

Why is it you think blizzard looks better if you’re making it appear that they are supplying you with personal data about all characters on all my accounts?