WoW - Numbers don't lie - Bellular

Yeah, if you truly care for the game, you should stick your head in the sand.


Imagine thinking the vocal or online community is the majority ^^

big truth incoming … most people dont use forums , streamers or reviews of any kind … they leave or join without a word , thats the majority of the player base for ANY GAME .

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Very good point. It blows my mind that they did not have a proper win in the past 3-4 years. Last one was Legion?
I mean maybe hearthstone is still doing well>


You sort of need to be a masochist to play the game right now…

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There is def a bit of that.

Source ?


His numbers are particularly interesting because it focuses on the players at end game. End game is supposedly where the WoW devs strive to put their best efforts. That’s why all the systems to waste player time/increase player engagement (depending on your pov) are designed into the game.

The numbers don’t look good. When best efforts fail, it’s probably time for a change.


sigh I like Bellular but does he really need you to advertise for him?

Blizzard puts Thanos into the game and half the playerbase blinks out of existence.


People are so dramatic

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Imagine it was only like 250k players or something? but they all just had heaps of alts and spent a lot of $ O______o


Most MMO games will charge a 14 ish dollar a month sub cost because it helps them get to the number they need to run and pay for the game. MMO’s are incredibly expensive to produce and then maintain. This is somewhat common knowledge.

However as for an actual source and number Ashes of Creation founder Steven Shariff said he needs to make 21 dollars a month from each player. They will have a 14.99 month sub. There is a reason why everyone is in at the price point. I like Steven a lot wish someone like him was running WoW. He is a gamer at heart and why he is building that game. Very insightful cool guy.

No idea why people think Subs are like pure profit. That is just wrong. They go toward upkeep and producing the future project and covering cost. This is why the Cash shop is required because it is only there the profit starts.

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Numbers with proper data when used properly don’t lie, but when misused or taken out of context can be used in a lie.

Since no one has access to the real data, this is a good example of numbers from bad data being misused/taken out of context.

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My Monk class mount, has many sayings, one of which is:

“To speak of change without being willing to take action is like digging a hole to catch a cloud serpent.”

Its odd, given that Blizzard themselves wrote that line, and its something they do repeatedly. They keep offering change, new expansions, changes to systems, but fail to take the actions necessary to catch and keep the interest of the most important targets of all - us.

Until they get an understanding of how silly it is to just keep digging those holes, things will only get worse.


You had the effort to reply to the thread though. I don’t understand the resentment here.

The numbers are from the WoW Armory…

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Because WoW armory is a great and reliable source /s

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Your tinfoil hat is showing.

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If we listen to him game has been dead for pretty much 12 years now? so why you, and him didn’t quit? Clearly we play it so please stop bothering us with your opinion that if I quit everyone else must, No.

If you like Bellular then aren’t we just discussing his video and it isn’t advertising :joy:

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