WoW - Numbers don't lie - Bellular

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Nah :warning: wow youtuber opinion alert! :warning:


I mean, it was said pretty cool right beneath me:

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Which is only done to trigger just like this post.

The last WoW expansion will simply be when it’s not making enough money to justify its existence or another MMO by Blizzard replaces it.

WoW is akin to like Harley Davidson where it’s played by an older generation and not attractive the younger one. Eventually people just lose interest and profitability declines.

Generation Z will be dictating the market going forward.

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I donno man, sometimes I just can’t figure 'em out…
I guess Bobby K likes to watch :moneybag: :fire: burn

Even a blind person knows WoW’s subs are down.


You’re so edgy and cool, I bet you’re really smart too.


Actually it’s very logical to think that the last expansion is in the near future. Just like a once popular TV show that is 8 seasons deep but the last 2 weren’t very good. Eventually the show has to end! WoW lasted 17 years and 8 Expansions. It was a good run but the last few expansions are bad enough to start the discussion on maybe it’s time to call it.

This is just common sense really.

I use them all the time.

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He gets edgy from time to time (nowhere near as bad as others) but I understand the sentiment.

That said, the video I saw earlier today (which is what I am assuming is linked above) was pretty well detailed with charts and numbers from reasonably believable sources. It was pretty interesting for me.

I am not particularly a WoW hater but I don’t love it like I once did either… I am more interested in the facts of how this plays out than anything else (good or bad).


Wow I haven’t watched watched Bellular in years (too click baity for my taste) and he really is losing his hair. He should do what Nobbel87 did and shave it all off. And Nobbel87 looks great bald.

You do realize

puffs human bone pipe

You can call it for yourself whenever you want right?


And Everquest has 27 and still haven’t quit making them. Your point?.. nah you really are someone who is trolling or is deluding itself because you feel some need to want to watch the sky fall when it’s perfectly ok.

Contact Dr K for your gaming addiction, I’m sure he’ll help.


They use charts and completely ignore the ATVI quarterly earnings. It’s selective data selection.

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I can understand that for sure. And I actually do like a handful of WoW streamers and youtubers, but my original comment was just the distaste I have for relinking their opinion videos, which is a trend on the GD forums.

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Maybe, but sometimes a trigger can be a wake up call (and a good thing).

Either way, if you don’t like it, the best way to combat it is to not let it trigger you.

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It was made to spite them there’s a difference if a developer made something just to flip you the middle finger would you want to continue playing?

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D3 has to be the most mismanaged video game of all-time. It’s actually insane. It’s actually a lot of fun to play now and I bet you $$$ if they had released another expansion after Reaper of Souls the perception of the game would have turned around completely for PC players. Honestly, I’ve talked to console gamers who only got into Diablo 3 with ROS + Necromancer and they absolutely love the game and were confused when I told them the game came out what is now almost 9 years ago and hasn’t had a sequel yet.

There’s absolutely no reason for that franchise to have had the content drought it did. Path of Exile basically only exists to fill the gap that Diablo left. As soon as D4 comes out, assuming it is anything as good as even D3, PoE is pretty much RIP.

I don’t think Acti-Blizzard is Nintendo levels of bad in terms of leaving money on the table, but in terms of a single franchise Diablo has to take the cake.

No company will willfully do what you just stated to the cash cow that is this game, just saying.

They made the expansion and I lasted until this patch, didn’t I?

Because only Aeladrine the magnificent is the only player in the game and that their opinion reigns supreme :rofl: